Student Senate 11/6: Three Budgets Brought to the Floor

By Ella Prieto, Managing and News Editor

Officer Reports

President Andrew Lemon ’24 began the meeting by sharing the positive feedback he had received regarding the Student Senate Newsletter from faculty.

“More information being distributed to the school is always a good thing, so I just wanted to thank everyone who has subscribed and has continued to support the newsletter,” said Lemon.

Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 reminded senators to pay attention during meetings, especially when guest speakers are delivering remarks. He also informed senators that anything wished to be added to the agenda must be sent by 5 p.m. the Sunday before a meeting, resignation notices must be given two weeks before a senator wishes to resign and to continue dressing in business casual attire. Additionally, the Student Senate will not have a meeting the week of Thanksgiving.

Parliamentarian Michael Woods ’25 shared that three budgets will be brought to the floor today, and discussed the motions used when regarding budgets.

Treasurer Alfredo Roman Jordan gave a budget update, sharing that the Senate has spent $5,338 and allocated $30,150. He also stated that he and Secretary Grace Nelson ’26 needed to leave at 8:50 p.m. each meeting due to duties for their job as Residential Assistants.

Inclusion Officer Abby Ruggiero ’26 asserted that this is a space that welcomes all people and asked for everyone to remain respectful during meetings.

Guest Speaker

Guest Speakers Professors Zappe and Ervard presenting to the Student Senate.(Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

Guest Speakers Professors Zappe and Ervard presenting to the Student Senate. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

The guest speakers for this meeting were Associate Professor of Anthropology Amy Young Evrard and Professor of Management and former Provost Chris Zappe. The two faculty members are working together during the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) 2024 accreditation review, which was the topic they focused on during the meeting.

This process began in 2022 when MSCHE approved their self-study design. This self-study was then completed and a draft reporting the results was released in Oct. 2023. The next steps include an evaluation team led by the Bryn Mawr College President Dr. Kim Cassidy visiting the campus and that team sending a report to the MSCHE board, which will decide in either June or Dec. of 2024.

Evrard and Zappe then went over the seven standards for accreditation. These included: Missions & Goals, Ethics & Integrity, Design & Delivery of the Student Learning Experience, Support of the Student Experience, Educational Effectiveness Assessment, Planning, Resources & Institutional Improvement and Governance, Leadership and Administration.

They included student-related recommendations for each standard, such as continuing to enhance diversity in leadership and administration and implementing a revised bias reporting and response system.

They ended by sharing opportunities for feedback through email.

Committee Reports

The Academic and Career Affairs Committee will be meeting this week with four staff members to discuss how to improve transparency.

The Budget Management Committee (BMC) allocated $760.

The Board of Committee Chairs drafted a committee attendance policy that is currently being workshopped in the Rules and Administration Committee (RAC).

The College Life and Advisory Committee is still struggling with attendance. The chairs urged senators to attend, as Executive Director of Auxiliary Services Mike Bishop will be at the meeting on Nov. 17.

The Opinions Committee is writing an opinion about parking and car access in their next meeting.

RAC will be discussing affinity group leader and committee chair policy discussion next meeting.

Club Reports and Announcements

Academic Affinity Group Leader Belle Pedersen ’24 shared that you can still buy yearbooks.

Ruggiero announced that Midnight Madness will occur this Friday.

Student Concerns

Lemon gave updates on student concerns from the last meeting. To begin, he stated to not place athletic wear in the dryer and to clean lint traps in the dryer to avoid dryer fires. Additionally, the lights in CUB Junction will now be turned on, and Lemon is meeting with the Student Life Committee about better communication and transparency between the administration and students.

New concerns included classes in the Jaeger Center not running or missing instructors, the main staircase in CUB feeling shaky, cables in the Jaeger Center needing to be examined and washing machines seeming dirty.

Additionally, a conversation about the chalk in front of CUB last week occurred. Director of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life and Student Senate Advisor Jon Allen shared that all of the chalk was within the College’s posting and freedom of speech policies.

Budget Requests

The Peace and Justice Student Council requested $2,300 which BMC then recommended $1,601. The Council wanted to host Jennifer Borrero for their Peace and Justice Week. It was tabled back to BMC.

Peace and Justice Studies Student Council representative presenting their budget to the Student Senate. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

Peace and Justice Studies Student Council representative presenting their budget to the Student Senate. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)

Ski Club requested $10,000. The BMC recommended $6,700. The club gave a presentation providing information to the senators regarding their budget. It was tabled back to BMC.

SAGNAM requested $2,956 for their Diwali Festival. The BMC recommended $2,000. The event was approved for the full $2,956.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

Two opinions were on the floor from the Academic and Career Affairs Committee. One urged the College to purchase all textbooks for classes as e-books. This was sent back to the committee. The other regarded creating a system where professors would need to return assignments and grades within a certain amount of time. This was tabled to next week.

Author: Ella Prieto

Ella Prieto ’26 serves as the Managing Editor for the Gettysburgian. Previously, she worked as the News Editor, the Assistant News Editor, and as a staff writer for the News and Arts & Entertainment sections. Ella is a double major in Public Policy and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Writing Minor. On campus, Ella volunteers with the Casa Swim program, is an It’s On Us Fellow in the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX, and is the President of the Panhellenic Council. She loves to read and keep up with celebrity drama in her free time.

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