Campus-Wide Email Regarding Antisemitism Released

By Ella Prieto, Managing and News Editor

On Tuesday, the Office of the President released a campus-wide email on confronting antisemitism. It was sent on behalf of President Bob Iuliano and Chief Diversity Officer Eloísa Gordon-Mora.

The email began by acknowledging the rise in antisemitic activity in the past month.

“Over the past several weeks, we have watched with growing alarm and distress the rise in antisemitic activity in our nation and across the world,” stated Iuliano and Gordon-Mora. “College and university campuses have experienced some of these hateful events, but have also been places where communities have come together to fight hate in all its forms.”

They disclosed that an antisemitic incident directed at a specific member of the Gettysburg College community occurred recently and that they are working to respond to this incident and offer support. However, due to respect for the privacy of the individual, no further details will be released. Still, the College assessed if the incident posed a threat to the community at large and found that it did not.

Furthermore, the College has been working with local law enforcement agencies such as the Gettysburg Police Department to increase safety on campus, “including at Hillel and other locations where our community gathers.” They intend to continue the heightened security measures for the foreseeable future.

Iuliano and Gordon-Mora called for the community to come together to support one another and “to actively reject antisemitism and hate of every kind.” They stated that while free speech is protected, violence and hate are not.

They acknowledged that some may feel that addressing the hate in the world is impossible for a singular individual. However, they argued that it is not and that it can start with simple acts done in daily interactions with one another.

“Every step we take in these directions [of kind acts]—on campus and at this moment—helps move us toward a more just, caring, and inclusive society,” wrote Iuliano and Gordon-Mora.

The email concluded by encouraging community members to report any bias incidents they observe and to attend the upcoming Peace Observance, which will be held at the Peace Pole on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 5 p.m.

They also included a list of resources, including the Gettysburg Police Department (911), Jewish Life Advisor Jeremy Garskof ( or 717-337-6892), Jewish Studies Professors Stephen Stern ( or 717-337-6461) and Chaplain Bright ( or 717-337-6282).

Author: Ella Prieto

Ella Prieto ’26 serves as the Managing Editor for the Gettysburgian. Previously, she worked as the News Editor, the Assistant News Editor, and as a staff writer for the News and Arts & Entertainment sections. Ella is a double major in Public Policy and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Writing Minor. On campus, Ella volunteers with the Casa Swim program, is an It’s On Us Fellow in the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX, and is the President of the Panhellenic Council. She loves to read and keep up with celebrity drama in her free time.

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1 Comment

  1. So they were expelled, right? Or is the Gettysburg College saying it’s ok to behave this way? If they were not expelled the college and community deserve an explanation why not.

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