Students Present X-SIG Research

By Ella Prieto, Managing & News Editor and Jess Chernoff, Staff Photographer 

This past Friday, students presented research they conducted over the summer through the Cross-Disciplinary Science Institute (X-SIG) Program at Gettysburg College. The event was held over Family Weekend so that visiting relatives, in addition to peers and faculty members, could view the projects.

X-SIG posters filling the Science Center lobby. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

X-SIG posters filling the Science Center lobby. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Rising sophomores, juniors and seniors, along with faculty mentors, filled the three floors of the Science Center with their various posters and topics covering a variety of sciences. Participants in X-SIG spoke about what the experience meant to them. 

“I loved my experience participating in X-SIG this summer,” said Alfredo Román Jordán ’26. “Firstly, I found the experience of working full-time on highly individualized research really enriching and it taught me how to be a better worker. Secondly, the cross-disciplinary “brown bag” lunches were a good opportunity to learn more about other fields while also providing and receiving feedback on one’s own research, many pieces of feedback I received from peers in other fields made it into my final research. Finally, working on research long term has helped me become a better scientist and learn more about how science is carried out.”

Waverly Smith ’25 had similar sentiments. 

“X-SIG was an amazing opportunity to learn more about the research process. Not only did I learn about Psychology, but I also learned more about my interests within psychology,” she said. “I definitely gained a lot of experience that will prepare me for graduate school. I am very excited to continue my research this semester and hope to gain more information about my topic. I had such an insightful experience this summer and am forever grateful for Dr. Kathy Berenson and the X-SIG program!”

Waverly Smith '25 presenting her X-SIG research. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Waverly Smith ’25 presenting her X-SIG research. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

The X-SIG program continues to be a great opportunity for students to expand their knowledge of research in the science fields. 

President Bob Iuliano learning about a student's X-SIG project. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

President Bob Iuliano learning about a student’s X-SIG project. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Kyle Miller '24 presenting his X-SIG research. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Kyle Miller ’24 presenting his X-SIG research. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Provost Jamila Bookwala observering an X-SIG poster. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Provost Jamila Bookwala observering an X-SIG poster. (Photo Jess Chernoff/The Gettysburgian)

Author: Ella Prieto

Ella Prieto ’26 serves as the Managing Editor for the Gettysburgian. Previously, she worked as the News Editor, the Assistant News Editor, and as a staff writer for the News and Arts & Entertainment sections. Ella is a double major in Public Policy and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a Writing Minor. On campus, Ella volunteers with the Casa Swim program, is an It’s On Us Fellow in the Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX, and is the President of the Panhellenic Council. She loves to read and keep up with celebrity drama in her free time.

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