By Ella Prieto, Managing and News Editor
Officer Reports
The meeting began with a report by President Andrew Lemon ’24, who shared that the Executive Board went to a weekend leadership conference at Washington College.
“This past Saturday the Exec team was at Washington College for a leadership conference, which was really, really cool. It was really fun to learn some new skills about leadership and bond as a team,” said Lemon.
He then asked senators to send in their nominations for the Ralph Cavalier Award and shared that the Center for Career Engagement and the Garthwait Leadership Center are having an open house for their Give Ideas to Gettysburgs (GIGs) program. His last comment was that Vice President of College Life Anne Erlich will be the guest speaker at the Oct. 16 meeting.
Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 reminded senators of their attendance policy, which is to attend the general Student Senate meeting and one committee each week. He also stated that if you need to miss one of those meetings you must email Secretary Grace Nelson ’26.
Parliamentarian Michael Woods ’25 complimented senators for their motions on the floor and wished everyone a happy Reading Days.
Treasurer Alfredo Román Jordán ’26 provided a budget update that the Senate had allocated $12,936. He also shared that the budget for Burgburst, which is about $11,000, will come to the Budget Management Committee (BMC) this week. The BMC is moved to Thursday at 4 p.m. in CUB 212 due to Reading Days.
Nelson asked senators to dress professionally at the Oct. 16 meeting when they have a guest speaker. Additionally, the Student Senate hopes to take a group photo 15 minutes before that meeting. She also requested senators send in headshots to be posted on the Student Senate website so students can know who their representatives are.
Inclusion Officer Abby Ruggiero ’26 said that the Inclusion Committee meeting is canceled this week due to Reading Days, which she hopes everyone enjoys.
Committee Reports
Academic and Career Affairs will be meeting in the Writing Center, located in Breidenbaugh Hall, from 12-1 p.m. on Wednesdays.
The College Life and Advisory Committee is working to get a soft serve ice cream machine in Servo and for the College to email students when middle schoolers will be in Servo. Chair Jack Murphy ’24 also shared that they planned a pizza event on Oct. 14 in the Attic from 3:30-6:30 p.m. to meet with Student Senate alumni.
The Rules and Administration Committee will not meet this week due to Reading Days.
The Wellness and Safety Committee will meet on Thursday in CUB 212 from 2-3 p.m.
Club Reports and Announcements
The Latin American Student Association is hosting an event with Latinx House, Education House and the Spanish Department to conclude Hispanic Heritage Month with a discussion on identity on Oct. 11 at 5 p.m. in Latinx House.
The American Cancer Society and Sigma Alpha Epsilon will have their annual Shave-a-Thon on Oct. 13 from noon to 7 p.m.
E-Sports Club and the Society of Physics Students will host Pub Trivia in the upcoming two weeks.
Spark is hosting an event at the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life on Sunday from 1-2 p.m.
Student Concerns
Lemon updated on concerns that had been brought up in previous meetings. He began by stating that the app YikYak cannot be banned on campus, as there is no possible firewall the College could implement to stop students from using it on other Wi-Fi networks or cellular data. The College also cannot access who is posting names on the app, as phone numbers behind accounts are not released unless a legal issue arises.
With dining concerns, the ranch dispensers have been reinstalled at the Bullet Hole. Additionally, the Servo to-go boxes were used during Covid-19, but the College is trying to move away from them as they are logistically challenging. However, they are open to suggestions from students.
On Friday’s Inclusion Committee, Lemon and Dean of Students Jeff Foster met with International Students to discuss the insurance issue. They came to the agreement that the College did not properly communicate and consult with students before implementing the policy. Additionally, they are working on a new, compromised plan to be utilized next year.

President Lemon and Treasurer Román Jordán at the 10/2 Senate Meeting. (Photo William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)
New concerns were raised by Senator Jack Thompson ’27 about the Provost’s Office, which has imposed a seven student minimum on classes that is affecting less popular major capstone classes. Senator Sam Martin ’24 concurred with this, specifically citing the difficulties the Women, Gender and Sexuality Department has faced as a smaller department. Thompson also said that many class field trip budget requests have not been answered.
New Business
The Senate discussed an amendment that clarified what qualifies as a Conference Equivalent Event in the BMC Charter. This amendment was tabled for the next meeting.