OME and GSRC Host 2023 Annual Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony

By Sophie Lange, Staff Writer

Award Recipients at the Women of Distinction Award Ceremony (Photo Sofia Gutierrez/The Gettysburgian)

Award Recipients at the Women of Distinction Award Ceremony (Photo Sofia Gutierrez/The Gettysburgian)

The Office of Multicultural Engagement (OME) and the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) hosted the 8th Annual Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony on Thursday, March 23 in the Atrium. Held during Women’s History Month, the ceremony celebrates the many female leaders in the Gettysburg College community. The event was live-streamed by the GSRC, and the recording remains in full on their Instagram. Executive Director of Counseling and Wellness Krista Dhruv was this year’s guest speaker.

The award list and winners are as follows:

2023 Hidden Figure Award

The criteria for this award stated that the recipient’s work is not frequently acknowledged but has a positive impact on the campus community. The recipient must also be supportive of fellow staff and students and show dedication to the college and others.

Her nominator said the following about her: “Professionally, her lens is always through an equitable and inclusive mindset. She is a role model for other women and staff on this campus, showing them it is possible to have a family, work, and continue their education. And she is honest about the experience, which is appreciated.”

The 2023 Hidden Figures Award was presented to Assistant Director of the Center for Career Engagement Rebecca Barth.

Outstanding Organization Award (Office or Department)

This award recognizes an office or department within the college that has a focus on advocating for the rights and needs of all people. The recipient embodies a sense of community for not only themselves but the campus community as a whole. Additionally, the recipient has an understanding of how to build community within their organizations and of those whom their efforts impact.

Their nominator described this department as “always open to accepting students and getting to know them on a personal level. The department always feels like home when students are talking to the faculty. Their ability to be as open as they are, not every department can replicate. The faculty specifically within the department prepare students for the world through gaining critical thinking skills.”

This Outstanding Organization Award was presented to the Africana Studies Department.

Outstanding Organization Award (Student Organization)

This award recognizes a student organization’s exceptional achievement and service to Gettysburg College. The recipient must focus on the needs and rights of all others, and they must show a sense of community for both the students of the college and the greater community.

The nominator described this organization as one that “offers an inclusive, safe, and comfortable environment in which students can thrive and challenge themselves, [supporting] each other in ways that push boundaries of creativity, performance, [and] teamwork. [Establishing] trust, leadership, innovation, and community-building abilities in all its members, the group provides a space of love and support translating into an atmosphere of exhilaration and ‘exhale.’ The group incorporates numerous genres of music, and promotes body positivity and loving oneself.” 

This award was presented to the VIBE Dance Crew.

2023 Emerging Leader Award

This award recognizes a first-year or sophomore who displays dedication to leadership on campus while participating in activities to improve leadership skills. The recipient must be actively involved in student groups, organizations, and community service. They inspire their peers to become further involved in community activities, both on and off-campus.

The recipient was described by student speaker Hawa Diarra ’23 as “demonstrating strong leadership skills combined with a caring and passionate personality. With high levels of professionalism in her campus employment, the recipient has organized and completed multiple projects while simultaneously delivering exceptional customer service to fellow students.”

The award was presented to Laura Leal ’25.

Anne Bucher Lane Women of Distinction Award (Faculty/Staff)

Janelle Wertzberger, Musselman Library’s Assistant Dean and Director of Scholarly Communications receives the Anne Bucher Lane Women of Distinction Award (Photo Sofia Gutierrez/The Gettysburgian).

Janelle Wertzberger, Musselman Library’s Assistant Dean and Director of Scholarly Communications receives the Anne Bucher Lane Women of Distinction Award (Photo Sofia Gutierrez/The Gettysburgian).

This award recognizes a faculty or staff member for their exceptional achievement in service to Gettysburg College and their contributions to the success of others and the college itself. The recipient must provide leadership, mentorship and support to the campus community.

The nominator described the recipient as someone who is “working consistently to support textbook affordability for students. Wanting to create a long-term solution rather than a short-term band-aid, [the recipient] has been working with staff and campus partners to bring awareness and support to this issue… [She] car[es] greatly about educational equity, [the recipient] has always been supportive of campus inclusivity… She is a welcoming person who is an example of true kindness and generosity.”

The award was presented to Janelle Wertzberger, Musselman Library’s Assistant Dean and Director of Scholarly Communications. 

Anne Bucher Lane Women of Distinction Award (Student)

This award recognizes students who are well-rounded and successful in the campus community. The recipients must have made significant contributions and must have both experience related to career preparation and active membership in extracurricular activities.

Two nominees received this award.

The nominator described the first recipient as someone who has “gone above and beyond in integrating herself and her experiences into the Gettysburg College community. She has made it her mission to make sure that every Gettysburg College student feels welcome and has the resources they need for navigating every part of campus culture, especially international students who are experiencing American culture for the first time.”

The first award was presented to Fadekemi Agboola ’24.

The second recipient was described by the nominator as “an astounding STEM student,… [and] an integral part of the Office of Multicultural Engagement since her arrival on campus. Having not only fulfilled the roles of Office Assistant and Pre Orientation Ambassador, the recipient has gone above and beyond in doing so, acting as OME’s social media coordinator, a welcoming presence for all who enter the office, and a true mentor for fellow students. As a member of BSU and BNC, this recipient works to make everywhere that she is to be inclusive, engaging, and a fun/safe space on campus.”

The second award was presented to Ramouna Charlton ’23.

Inaugural Alumni Women of Distinction Award

The final award was presented by Director of the OME Shantanique Johnson and Associate Director of Alumni Relations for Diversity, Inclusion & Young Alumni Programs Jasmine Fedrick.

They expressed that this award recognizes an alumna who “embodies the missions of the College… by fully committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, especially those of gender and cultural inclusivity, acting as an advocate in all senses.”

This award was presented to Michelle Lynette Hughes, a graduate of the Class of 1991 and a parent of a Class of 2018 graduate. 

Hughes obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biology after a service learning trip inspired her career choice. While at Gettysburg, she was actively involved as a tour guide, WZBT DJ and Programming Director, Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity member, library aide, transportation driver, computer center aide and member of the Black Student Union Executive Board. She was also in the 1988 Theatrical Production of the campus musical HAIR. 

Fedrick explained, “Since graduating from Gettysburg College, Michelle has given back to the College through financial and volunteer support to academic departments and student support offices like the OME. Michelle Lynette is a proud Gettysburg College Alumni Board member since 2022, and she is proud to accept this award and will continue to be of service.”

After receiving the award, Hughes, who attended virtually, gave her remarks.

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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