College Will Offer Limited Off-Campus Housing for Rising Seniors in 2023–2024 Academic Year

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief

After previous communication that no off-campus housing would be offered to seniors in the 2023–2024 academic year, Director of Residential Education Danielle Phillips announced Tuesday that a limited number of students will be able to live off-campus next year.

Phillips noted that the decision to hold an off-campus housing process depends annually on the College’s enrollment and the number of residential spaces available to students on-campus. Last year, the College explained that they were able to house all students on-campus.

However, Phillips said, “Over the last year, the College continued to evaluate our housing inventory and has very recently made a previously unexpected reduction to that inventory in order to provide a better residential experience for students moving forward. Given this change, we are able to offer a very limited Off-Campus Housing Process for the 2023–2024 academic year.”

It is unclear at this time what the “unexpected reduction” in housing inventory is.

Phillips explained that the exact number of students that will be able to live off-campus is yet to be decided, and will be based on enrollment and housing inventory still, but that it may be smaller than allowed during this academic year. According to previous reporting from The Gettysburgian, Phillips last year said 50 students would be able to live off-campus during the 2022–2023 academic year.

Phillips said more information about the 2023–2024 off-campus housing process should come in February, but noted that in order to apply, students must be a rising senior in good standing with a 2.8 or greater GPA, and must complete an off-campus housing application on time. Students will be grouped with those they apply with, and will be selected in order based on the average GPA of their group members until the target number has been approved.

She said that those not approved through this process will be able to put their name on a waiting list.

Author: Katie Oglesby

Katie Oglesby ‘23 serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the Gettysburgian. She has previously served as Magazine Editor, News Editor, Assistant News Editor, and Staff Writer. She is an English with a writing concentration and political science major, hailing from San Diego, California, but now living in rural North Carolina. On campus, Katie works at the CUB information desk, is an Eisenhower Institute Fielding Fellow, and serves as co-service vice president for the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. She spent a semester abroad in Bath, England studying British literature and politics, and spent this past summer interning with the Winston-Salem Journal in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She can usually be found perusing books in the Musselman Library browsing room.

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