Student Senate Oct. 31: Senate Approves Two Budget Requests and Discusses Attendance Policy for Committees

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief

Monday’s Senate Meeting included a discussion of attendance at committee meetings and two budget requests.

Officer Reports

President Miranda Zamora ’23 reminded students that during discussions everyone on the executive board needs to be respectful of each other. 

Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 said Social Affinity Group Leader is still an open position that members of designated social clubs are able to apply for. 

Meadville went on to address attendance at committee meetings. 

“This isn’t where the meat of the work starts,” he said. “It starts in committees.”

There are currently eleven committees and voting members are required to go to one of them.

Voting members are also required to attend five Senate-funded events. 

Advisor Report 

Director of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen gave the advisor report. 

He highlighted that the last time organizations can host events is December 9, the last day of classes, so organizations that want to host events should begin thinking about and planning them. 

Allen also encouraged students to make a plan to vote if they haven’t yet already. Students who are registered to vote with their campus addresses will be able to vote in the CUB Ballroom.

Budget Requests

Ziv Carmi ’23 represented Quizbowl for their budget request. They requested $200 for registration and $300 for transportation for their tournament at James Madison University. The request passed in full. 

The 26th Pennsylvania College Guard presented their budget request for their artillery encampment event this weekend. BMC recommended $1,600 rather than the original full amount, and this was allotted in sections.

Ten members of the organization are already signed up for the encampment and many are new members who need uniforms and equipment for the event. The money will go to uniforms, food, great coats to keep them warm at night, and replacement trousers, as well as other equipment needed for their event. 

The BMC recommended amount was approved in full. 

There were no student concerns at this meeting, nor any amendments to the constitution. 

Senate will meet again on Monday, Nov. 7. 

Author: Katie Oglesby

Katie Oglesby ‘23 serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the Gettysburgian. She has previously served as Magazine Editor, News Editor, Assistant News Editor, and Staff Writer. She is an English with a writing concentration and political science major, hailing from San Diego, California, but now living in rural North Carolina. On campus, Katie works at the CUB information desk, is an Eisenhower Institute Fielding Fellow, and serves as co-service vice president for the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. She spent a semester abroad in Bath, England studying British literature and politics, and spent this past summer interning with the Winston-Salem Journal in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She can usually be found perusing books in the Musselman Library browsing room.

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