Opinion: Stop Doug Mastriano. Vote for Josh Shapiro on Nov. 8.

By Vincent DiFonzo

In a few short weeks, Americans will head to the polls and take part in the 2022 midterm elections. Pennsylvanians will be picking a new governor as incumbent Governor Wolf is term-limited and cannot seek reelection. After a close primary in May, Doug Mastriano won the Republican nomination for this coveted position. Josh Shapiro, incumbent Attorney General, ran uncontested and won the Democratic primary. Looking at both Shapiro’s and Mastriano’s records and campaigns, Shapiro is the better choice for governor of Pennsylvania.   

Shapiro, of Montgomery County, has served as Attorney General of Pennsylvania since 2016. In this role, he has accomplished many important tasks and has fought against attempts to violate the rights of Pennsylvanians. With extensive legal and political experience, Shapiro has a long list of accomplishments in his tenure as Attorney General. These include his defense of contraception rights after attacks by the Trump Administration and his investigation into sexual abuse covered up by the Catholic Church. Additionally, Shapiro was instrumental in the fight against accusations of fraud and efforts to overturn Pennsylvania’s electoral vote in the 2020 presidential election. If it were not for Shapiro, every Pennsylvanian voter may have lost their vote in 2020. 

Mastriano, of Adams County, has served in Pennsylvania’s State Senate since 2019. In this role, Mastriano has accomplished nothing but perpetuating the spread of his hateful beliefs on Pennsylvanians. Mastriano’s record is one of self-interest, hatred towards women and minorities, and opposition to American democratic principles. Mastriano has had so many scandals that it would be impossible to discuss all of them in detail in this short piece. However, it is worth mentioning some of his worst acts and beliefs.  

Mastriano was pictured wearing a Confederate uniform in a faculty photograph at Army War College and routinely defends the flying of the Confederate flag; he participated in the January 6 Insurrection, in which he funded a bus from Gettysburg to the Capitol and was recorded illegally crossing Capitol police barriers; he routinely posts misinformation on social media, including lies about Islam and the COVID-19 pandemic; and he has fought attempts by Governor Tom Wolf to legalize marijuana. These actions foreshadow what a Mastriano gubernatorial administration would look like.  

On social issues, Mastriano vocally opposes gay marriage, gay adoption, and all abortions, even in the case of rape, incest, and medical necessity. Furthermore, he supports criminal charges for women who seek abortions. He opposes banning gay conversion therapy, believing that it can cure homosexuality. He plans to cut funding for public education, which would reduce funding per student from $19,000 to $9,000. This plan would also result in a serious decrease in the quality of education for children and cause mass layoffs of K-12 teachers. He spreads baseless antisemitic conspiracy theories, which Jewish organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have condemned. 

Mastriano never puts the American people first on any political issue. His promises on elections are the scariest part of his entire campaign. If elected, he plans to deregister every voter, put an end to universal mail-in ballots, and appoint a secretary of state that would only certify election results if Republicans are the victors. This is blatantly anti-democratic and against every principle that the United States is supposed to stand for. Mastriano simply does not support democracy. 

On the other hand, Shapiro has fought tooth and nail for Pennsylvanians’ right to vote. He has proven his commitment to defending Pennsylvanians’ fundamental rights. Rights to marriage, abortion, voting, and contraception will be protected by Shapiro. He is also focused on tackling the climate crisis, getting drugs off the streets, and passing gun-control laws. Electing Shapiro as the next governor is essential to protecting the civil rights of every person and improving Pennsylvania’s political freedoms. 

We need a governor that fights for us, not against us. Mastriano will use the office to advance his radical, hateful agenda and further weaken our already crumbling democratic institutions. He is simply too radical for all Pennsylvanians, whether one identifies as a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Shapiro will use the office to ameliorate Pennsylvania in every way for a better tomorrow and work with members of both parties to pass bipartisan legislation. 

Gettysburg students, you have residency here, even if you are not from Pennsylvania. If you have lived on campus for at least 30 days and hold U.S. citizenship, you are eligible to vote in Pennsylvania.  If you would like to register to vote in Pennsylvania, you can here. The deadline is Oct. 24. If you are unsure if you’re registered, you can check here

This state has some of the most competitive elections of any state in the country, and Mastriano is among the most radical politicians to win a major party’s gubernatorial primary in recent history. Our polling place will be the CUB ballroom, making it very easy for students to find the time to vote. On Nov. 8, please vote for Josh Shapiro and stop Doug Mastriano. Our rights depend on it.  

Vincent DiFonzo (Photo courtesy of Vincent DiFonzo)

Vincent DiFonzo (Photo courtesy of Vincent DiFonzo)

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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  1. Oh my.. he’s against gay marriage. I knew there was a reason you didn’t like the guy.

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    • Yes, exactly. Among the many other reasons listed in the article.

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    • Left Likes Crime & Record Prices!!!

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  2. You sound like someone with TDS. You look like someone’s child. I doubt you have any understanding of the struggles parents are enduring today. Parents care more about putting food on the table, and keeping their kids safe, than the liberal talking points you highlight in your article. Why don’t you talk about who will fight to keep gas, food, shelter, medical, and energy costs down? Talk about who will keep the creeps, groomers and weirdos out of our school systems. You will be talking about Doug Mastriano. Sadly, you would rather talk about someone who makes divisive topics significant elements of his campaign platform. You might want to get a few years of real-world experience under your belt before you start weighing in on topics discussed at the adult’s table 🤨. Enjoy your Hot Pocket….

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    • Hi Michael, why are you reading a student newspaper if you dismiss my points due to age? To address your other points, republicans are in no way fiscally responsible as they often claim. Doug Mastriano does not have a plan to address any economic issues that you discuss. Time and time again, republicans against democratic bills, then take the credit for said bill when the positive effects hit their district.

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    • Mastriano wants to take away Americans’ freedom. He wants the government to control people with an iron fist. Care to provide examples of how the republicans have been helping the economy instead of just serving the elite? Mastriano is a servant of Satan as his language is hate.

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