Impromptu Abortion Protest and Student Counter-Protest Occurs Outside Servo
By Alexis Doyle, Staff Writer
On Tuesday, pro-life individuals congregated outside Servo to protest abortion access. They held signs, wore suits with red sashes, and played bagpipes to project their opinions. Their signs read: “Pray and Act Against the Sin of Abortion” and “Smile! You Survived Abortion!”

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) protestors outside Servo on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022 (Photo Will Oehler/The Gettysburgian)
The leaders of this protest are from The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP). The group is self-defined as “an organization of lay Catholic Americans concerned about the moral crisis shaking the remnants of Christian civilization” and is housed out of Hanover, Pennsylvania.
The members of TFP declined to comment on their decision to protest at Gettysburg College. They have held this protest, as well as others, on campus multiple times in the past few years.
In retaliation, many Gettysburg students protested their presence on campus from across the street. They held signs in support of women’s rights, pro-choice stances on abortion, and LGBTQ+ rights.
Campus Safety arrived quickly on the scene to separate the two groups, and the Gettysburg Police Department appeared too. Protestors were asked to remain on their respective sides of the street by authorities on the scene.

Campus Safety was present at The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) protest outside Servo on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022 (Photo Will Oehler/The Gettysburgian)
Many Gettysburg students felt passionate about protesting the attendance of the TFP organization on campus.
Although the area where TFP congregated was technically a public space, students like Maya Pabis ‘26 expressed concern for a non-university organization protesting in front of a popular campus destination.
She said, “It’s very anxiety-inducing. Walking up to my dining hall… while seeing these faces and hearing these bagpipes and yelling in my face while I’m just trying to eat.”
Other students, such as Katie Poliero ‘25, had similar thoughts about the origins of the protest, stating, “A lot of us are really riled up about having someone not from our campus come here and do something like this. It’s really upsetting.”

Students provide counter-protest against The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) outside Servo on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022 (Photo Will Oehler/The Gettysburgian).
Poliero proceeded to comment on what the gathering of Gettysburg students meant to them.
“It means a lot to me that there are like a lot of people out here who are against this. It makes me a little bit more confident in our campus community being able to rally together against an outside force.”
Sayge Hervey ‘26 also thought the display of campus-wide support was notable.
She said, “I think it was really nice to see all the students out here from different organizations. You had men, women, non-binary people, you had staff and students, people in Greek life, people not in Greek life, sports teams—everyone was out here. I think it was really nice for the whole campus to come together.”

Students provide counter-protest against The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) outside Servo on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022. One student holds a pro-choice Marty Qually sign (Photo Will Oehler/The Gettysburgian).
Further, Benjamin Sarnitsky ‘26 had personal connections with the impromptu protest held by Gettysburg students.
“I did this for my mom… my parents always taught me to stand up against people like that. Some people don’t know how to speak up for themselves so, you know, I wanted to make a space where they can try to,” he said.
Eventually, TFP left, and students dispersed soon after.
October 25, 2022
Catholic Cape Day is a time honored Gettysburg tradition. Glad to see that they’re back.
October 30, 2022
In the past, when students acted like adults, you could expect to have a robust discussion on campus, a place where ideas should be debated in a civil manner. However, some students at Gettysburg College seemed shocked to meet young pro-lifers who had a different perspective: that innocent life is worth fighting for. The pro-abortion protesters shouted the f-word, and one of them physically attacked a TFP volunteer. The police arrived to write a police report about the assault.
October 30, 2022
Those pro-aborts seem rather vile, and, might I dare say, intolerant.
On the other hand, those Catholics present themselves in an upright, joyful manner.
I must say, seeing this protest made me smile since I survived abortion!
October 30, 2022
As someone who witnessed this protest in person, I think this article is completely biased. It never even mentions the disgusting things the students were yelling at the TFP Volunteers. It never says that a student shoved one of the volunteers and tried to steal his sign. The TFP was always respectful, while those vile women who appeared to be trying to dress as close to a prostitute as possible threw contraceptives and hurled constant insults at the peaceful and legal demonstration.
November 22, 2022
You watch these things and you see lots of nastiness, but never from the Catholic side. The students are gross, they’re vulgar, they’re aggressive – and some, I assume, are peaceful. But it’s the same thing every time! These students, they’re not Gettysburg’s best, it seems, which is very sad. If you can’t take the heat on the sidewalk, just walk past them and go to the kitchen!