The Reality of Living with a Disability
By Laken Franchetti, Staff Writer On Nov. 9, Interdisciplinary Studies professor Stephen Stern and alumna Nathalia Mazza ’20 held a lecture entitled The Reality of Living with a Disability, to discuss their own experiences and how college campuses can be changed to be made more navigable for people with disabilities. This lecture was sponsored by Diversity and Inclusion, Provost’s Office, College Advancement, Enrollment and...
Infographic: Greek Life Survey Results
This infographic originally appeared on page 7 of the November 1, 2021 edition of The Gettysburgian’s magazine.
Student Senate: COVID-19 Concerns, Proposal for Committee Restructuring
By Leah McCann, Staff Writer At last night’s meeting, Senate welcomed two new Senators, announced a plan for restructuring committees, and discussed the growing COVID-19 concerns on campus. Officer Reports Quan wished to provide a debrief on Tracie Potts’s talk at the Senate meeting last week on political respect. She also wanted to ask all attendees about potential new topics to be discussed with the next speaker. Matt James...
Campus Poll Finds Discrepancies Among Students Regarding Perception of Greek Life
By Nicole DeJacimo, Managing Editor A recent campus survey conducted by The Gettysburgian shows that the perception of Greek life varies widely between students involved and not involved in a Greek organization: 76 percent of Greek students believe that Greek life has had a positive effect on campus while 64 percent of students who never joined Greek life find it to have a negative effect on campus. The three students who left Greek...
A Note from the Editor: On Greek Life
For this magazine, we wanted to focus on Greek life, its impact on campus, and the relationship between Greek and non-Greek students. As someone who is not involved in Greek life, I felt like there was a lot I did not understand. How does recruitment work? What is values-based recruitment? Do Greek students feel the divide between Greek and non-Greek students that I and many of my non-Greek friends feel? What are they doing about...