Students Celebrate Halloween Festivities

Students enjoy the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center’s Halloween Party. (Photo Credit Aly Leia Wein/The Gettysburgian)
By Sarah Laud, Staff Writer
As one of the nation’s most notoriously haunted college campuses, Gettysburg College and its spooky history fit directly into the Halloween holiday.
During the week prior to Halloween, Servo employees transformed the dining hall into a haunted house, with Halloween goodies spread throughout. Servo faculty and staff dressed up in costumes and decorated the food stations with cobwebs, streamers, and spiders.
Halloween events began on Thursday, Oct. 28 with a Halloween Party hosted by the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. There, students gathered wearing their best Halloween costumes.
The Japanese Culture Club hosted the “Test of Courage” event outside the Quarry Apartments. The club created their rendition of a “Haunted Wood” for exhibitors to walk through. The first guests to arrive were gifted with hot chocolate, glowsticks, and handmade Japanese good luck charms.
The West and East Quad Residence Halls hosted trick-or-treat nights on Thursday and Friday. Forst-year students collected candy from the Resident Coordinators and Resident Assistants in each building.
First-Year Residential Life Coordinator Brooke Gutschick said, “The RAs in the First-Year halls hosted Trick-or-Treating, and it was really fun to see that so many people dressed up and participated. I enjoyed getting to see my staff dress up, and we all really enjoyed getting to see residents from other buildings!”
On Friday, Oct. 29 more Halloween events occurred.
The Latin American Student Association and Latinx House hosted a Day of the Dead Altar Decoration at the RSL House. Latinx House also threw a glow-in-the-dark party called “Ha-Glo-Ween.” Glow sticks, refreshments, and snacks were provided for all attendees.
The Gettysburg Steminists hosted a Trick-or-Treating event starting in the chemistry lounge. There, attendees picked up treat bags from professors’ offices.
“Nightmare on Carlisle Street” was organized by Diaspora House from 11:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. The night consisted of music and candy, while people in costumes filled the house.
Finally, on Saturday, Oct. 30 the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life hosted a Halloweentown Movie Night in the CUB Junction.
Also on Saturday, Humor House hosted a Costume Halloween Bash at 233 Carlisle Street.
With these many activities, Gettysburg College students enjoyed numerous opportunities to engage with organizations on campus to celebrate Halloween.