Getty, Set, Go: Photographic Discovery

Off-duty construction site on a Saturday night (Mid-City, Los Angeles CA- June 13th, 2020) (Photo Luca España/The Gettysburgian)
By Luca España, Contributing Writer
When I first intentionally picked up a camera on June 10, 2020, I never would have imagined it would lead me to working for a college news publication! What began as an escape during the pandemic for my mental health would soon become my life, and I’m really liking where it’s taken me so far.
In a world still freshly reacting to a pandemic, heavy shutdowns made public settings in my hometown of Los Angeles seem apocalyptic: tourists and shoppers were nowhere to be found, and the streets were left empty. But this allowed for such a unique opportunity to pick up photography. Without people around you to capture in public, what remains? So, architecture and nature were my first “models.” But as months went by and our world came back to life, the silence of inanimate objects became deafening. So I brought my camera to college. Never had I imagined to the extent a change of scenery would truly challenge and evolve my photography.
One of those first changes was new architecture, and more importantly, new people around me. A year and a half into COVID instilled in all of us a need to connect, and through photos I branched out to new people I wouldn’t otherwise have met. But what really changed my life was working for The Gettysburgian. Still shocked as to how I got in this position, I simply had my camera with me during the first week of classes and was asked if I liked taking pictures. I said yes without thinking much of it. Today, two and a half months later, I’ve shot many games: one softball, one field hockey, two soccer, two volleyball, and three football games, plus various campus events. I have enjoyed every minute of it. In June of 2020, it would have never occurred to me that my new hobby would become my life. In all honesty, I had only brought my camera to build a personal portfolio, not to pursue a position on a team.
Now thousands of pictures later, having become the new (unofficial) Athletics Photographer for The Gettysburgian has truly been one of my proudest moments in life. I have truly never been happier than when I’m on Shirk Field at Musselman Stadium for example working the football games. And I am so grateful to have (through what feels like sheer luck) been noticed at the right time for simply holding a camera. This new college environment has fostered some of the best work of my life. I am so happy to be here at Gettysburg, and even more so knowing I am improving as a photographer every picture along the way. I still have far to grow and learn, but this accepting community and Gettysburgian has given me the best platform I could have ever dreamt of. Without them, I wouldn’t be here at Week 10 of classes knowing for a fact I’m doing nothing but great work.
See more of Luca’s photos here:

Butterfly release at Suicide Prevention event (Gettysburg College, Gettysburg PA – September 10th, 2021) (Photo Luca España/The Gettysburgian)

Cheering on the Bullets on as they play a tough game (Shirk Field at Musselman Stadium, Gettysburg PA – October 23rd, 2021) (Photo Luca España/The Gettysburgian)

Photoshoot with a friend on a Tuesday afternoon (Oak Ridge, Gettysburg PA – October 19th, 2021) (Photo Luca España/The Gettysburgian)

Exploration of Denver as a looming thunderstorm grew (North Capitol Hill, Denver CO – July 29th, 2021) (Photo Luca España/The Gettysburgian)

A roaming bison posing on a hot July day (Soda Butte Creek, Yellowstone WY – July 24th, 2021) (Photo Luca España/The Gettysburgian)
Editor’s Note: This article is part of the 2021-22 edition of our series “Getty, Set, Go: The First Year Journal” (formerly “Dodging the Bullet”), in which The Gettysburgian’s staff members from the Class of 2025 share stories, reflections, and perspective on their first-year experience. (-P. Doscher)