Problem of the Week: Parabulous!

Editor’s Note: The Department of Mathematics at Gettysburg College hosts a problem of the week challenge to determine each semester’s Paul Mugabi problem-solving award recipient(s).  Each week’s entries are scored by a faculty judge, and winner(s) from each week will receive a Problem Of the Week (P.O.W.) button.  The Gettysburgian is not involved in or responsible for accepting or evaluating students’ submissions to this contest.

Problem of the week


The contest is open to all Gettysburg College students. Up to three people may work together on a submission. Make sure your name is on your submission and that any sources are properly cited. Send solutions to  This problem was posted on Sunday, October 24 and solutions are due on Friday, October 29 by 5:00 p.m.


Suppose that we are looking at the graph of a parabola of the form .

We mark three points on the graph: the bottom of the parabola, and the two points on the parabola that are the same height and exactly one unit part.

(Image courtesy of Benjamin Kennedy)

(Image courtesy of Benjamin Kennedy)


THE QUESTION: What is the area of the triangle determined by these three points?

Author: Phoebe Doscher

Phoebe Doscher ’22 is the Editor-in-Chief of The Gettysburgian. She formerly worked as Magazine Editor, News Editor, Assistant News Editor, Staff Writer, and Copyeditor. She is an English with a Writing Concentration and Theatre Arts double major. On campus, she is an intern for Gettysburg’s Communications & Marketing Office, the president of the Owl & Nightingale Players, and the News Director for WZBT, serving as the co-host of The Gettysburgian’s podcast On Target.

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