Homecoming Weekend 2021

The Gettysburg College football during their game against Juniata College (Photo Credit Luca España/ The Gettysburgian)

The Gettysburg College football team during their game against Juniata College (Photo Credit Luca España/ The Gettysburgian)

By Alicia Method, Staff Writer

This past weekend, Gettysburg College celebrated Homecoming with a slew of events, activities, and sporting events. Numbers of alumni returned for the festivities, filling the campus with Gettysburg gear and cheer. Current students, as well as visitors, attended department receptions, reunion dinners, tennis and lacrosse games, outdoor parties, and musical performances. 

Friday’s events included a field hockey game against Bryn Mawr, a Chemistry department reception, and a reunion social for the classes of 2015 and 2016 at The Upper Crust. 

The Chemistry Department reception united professors, current students, and alumni for an outdoor gathering complete with a buffet and nametags. Those who were of age were allowed a choice of wine or beer, and all enjoyed chips, egg salad, and other refreshments. Attendees mingled in small groups chatting and taking pictures. Chemistry student Emma Armstrong ‘21 commented, “It’s nice to see people who graduated in 2020.” 

Saturday was filled with various events,  such as the Alpha Phi Omega gathering, the Homecoming tailgate lunch, lacrosse, tennis, and volleyball games, the Mosaic celebration dinner, and an all-campus party. 

Tailgaters eagerly anticipating the football game gathered in white tents on the Jaeger Center lawn and by Quarry pond. Food and cornhole games were provided for the dozens of attendees.

Meanwhile, on the tennis courts, Gettysburg’s tennis teams overwhelmingly defeated Messiah, with the men winning both singles and doubles. Onlookers cheered on the players while chatting with the visiting alum. Tennis player Alec Shalk ’22 noted his excitement and said, “It’s great to see all the friends and family I haven’t seen in a while.”

Saturday’s celebrations concluded with an all-campus party which was open to all class years. The party boasted music, a bar, corn-hole, and tables for students and alum to eat at. It ran for three hours from nine p.m. until midnight. Party-goers enjoyed the night by mingling and socializing.

Sunday’s activities were mainly centered around Commencement, with academic department receptions for the class of 2020 following the ceremony.  

Benjamin Waksberg ‘22, summed up the energy of Homecoming weekend. “It’s been very overwhelming, but in a good way,” said Waksberg. 

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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