Editor-in-Chief Cincotta Named Student Speaker for Commencement 2021

Anna Cincotta '21, Editor-in-Chief of The Gettysburgian (Photo Courtesy of Anna Cincotta)

Anna Cincotta ’21, Editor-in-Chief of The Gettysburgian (Photo Courtesy of Anna Cincotta)

By Katie Oglesby, News Editor

Anna Cincotta ‘21 was named the student speaker for the Class of 2021 at Commencement in May. Cincotta has been involved in The Gettysburgian as Opinions Editor and Editor-in-Chief, the Painted Turtle Farm as a program coordinator, the Political Science Department as a Peer Learning Associate (PLA), and the Eisenhower Institute as an undergraduate fellow. She is a political science major and a peace and justice studies minor.

“I’m so grateful for the connections I’ve made through these on-campus organizations and experiential learning opportunities,” said Cincotta, of her time in these organizations over her four years at the College.

“After over a year of distance and uncertainty, our in-person Commencement ceremony will not be a gathering I take for granted,” she said, when asked what message she wants to send to the Class of 2021. “I’m incredibly proud to be a member of The Class of 2021, and couldn’t be more honored and grateful to speak about our experiences as Gettysburg students.”

Cincotta was selected by a committee of class officers to give the commencement speech. Senior Class President Emma Padrick ‘21 said, “The student commencement speaker selection committee felt that Anna’s speech was an excellent reflection of the collective experience of the Class of 2021. We believe the class will find her message uplifting, inspirational, and relatable, and look forward to hearing it again.”

“Thank you to The Class of 2021 Speaker Selection Committee and the entire campus community for this opportunity!” she said. 

After she graduates, Cincotta will attend the Villanova University’s Charles Widger School of Law. 


Edited May 21, 2021, for name clarity. 


Author: Katie Oglesby

Katie Oglesby ‘23 serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the Gettysburgian. She has previously served as Magazine Editor, News Editor, Assistant News Editor, and Staff Writer. She is an English with a writing concentration and political science major, hailing from San Diego, California, but now living in rural North Carolina. On campus, Katie works at the CUB information desk, is an Eisenhower Institute Fielding Fellow, and serves as co-service vice president for the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. She spent a semester abroad in Bath, England studying British literature and politics, and spent this past summer interning with the Winston-Salem Journal in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She can usually be found perusing books in the Musselman Library browsing room.

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  1. The correct name of Villanova’s Law School is the Charles Widger School of Law.

    Charles Widger is a Gettysburg alum, Class of ’67.

    I hope this email passes your censors, excuse me, your moderation review.

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    • Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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