LRC offers mini language workshops
By Angela Pegarella, Contributing Writer
Ever wanted to visit another country but couldn’t afford the time or money? You’re in luck! We have international opportunities right here on campus.
Every week, Gettysburg College students have the opportunity to learn the basics in a new language for free!
The Language Resource Center has started holding Mini Language Workshops, featuring eleven different languages.
Whether you love learning languages but don’t want the commitment of taking a class, want to reactivate a language you studied in high school, or are looking for a short stress-reliever during the afternoon, then this is the perfect event for you.
In just one hour, you can learn basic phrases and greetings in languages like Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Indonesian, French, Greek, Portuguese, and German.
These student-lead workshops are very laid-back and fun.
Ever wondered why Italians use so many hand gestures or why Indonesian is considered the one of the easiest languages in the world?
You can learn about a variety of cultures from all over the world, while snacking on a new treat each time.
The best part is, you won’t get a grade! Meet classmates from all over the globe, share memorable moments, and learn a new language every Tuesday at 4 pm in the Language Resource Center, located on the first floor of Breidenbaugh.
For more information on what languages are offered and when the workshops will take place, visit the LRC page on the Gettysburg College website at