Aunt Izzie: Ex-teacher’s pet

Dear Aunt Izzie,

My professor hates me. What do I do?

Ex-Teacher’s Pet


Dear Ex-Teacher’s Pet,

There are a lot of great professors at Gettysburg and I’m relatively certain none of them read this column. But just in case… disclaimer: hi professors! You’re all so great and I’m lucky to have you because you are equipping me with tools for success.

That being said, some of you guys are crazy.

I feel your pain ETP. In high school the participation points and extra credit assignments flowed freely, but college is different. Professors are tough and they give midterms that are worth 40 percent of your grade, and that is some scary stuff. Professors can give you quizzes at 8 am every Friday and lecture about biology for two hours while you frantically take notes. Professors can do whatever they want.

Here is my advice: be good in class. Participate. Show your professor some respect because they may seem crazy but you don’t know what kind of horrible students they have had in the past, or what other stuff is going on in their life. So be nice to them.

It may seem like your professor hates you, but the truth is professors don’t have time to hate you. They’re busy grading the essays and tests and reading quizzes that made you think they hate you in the first place. And all that grading probably makes them a little crazy. Let them be crazy, because fighting them is pointless, they are in charge.

If all else fails, think of a crazy professor as prep for the crazy boss you’ll have at the job you get thanks to your degree earned thanks to your professors.


Aunt Izzie

IzzieAunt IzzieIzzie Gibson Penrose, class of 2016, has 19 years of advice to give. She loves telling people what to do (but doesn’t take offense if they don’t listen) and lives as strange a life as possible so she has plenty of anecdotes to share. Izzie also enjoys making jokes and baking cupcakes. Email her with questions, concerns, or anything LITERALLY ANYTHING that’s on your mind at She promises to read every email she receives at least once, probably six times.

Author: Brendan Raleigh

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