New Year, New Senate: Vice president hopes to raise student involvment in Senate
By Abigail Lovell, Editor-in-Chief
As classes come to order and campus activities return to action, so resumes the work of the College’s Student Senate to “provide a representative, unifying and responsible government for students,” according to the Senate mission statement.
Currently led by sitting president Senior Shruti Naik, the Student Senate “promise[s] to be accessible to the student body, remain sensitive to the concerns of all and to be advocates of the student voice in all affairs throughout the institution.”
Naik, alongside fellow members of the Senate’s Executive Committee, including vice president Junior Tony McComisky, will continue the efforts of former Senate leaders to foster “an environment for the promotion of student excellence” as required by the organization’s mission statement.
“Our biggest goal this year is student outreach,” said McComisky of the Senate’s continued attempts to encourage student involvement in Senate elections and proceedings.
“I plan on incorporating that [goal to promote participation] into my duties as head of elections.”
The role of vice president, according to the Senate web page, centers on the “inner working of the Senate.” McComisky is asked to manage a series of three elections, including contests for senators, class officers and seats on the Senate’s Executive Committee.
McComisky expects to focus his own efforts on increasing rates of student interest in and membership to the Senate.
“In past years, we have had few people run for positions,” said McComisky. “Only about 20 percent of the student body votes in the elections. As vice president, I plan on changing both of these lagging statistics.”
The Senate plans to appeal to the first-year class in particular and asks that any student who might consider a position in the Senate return a signed petition to the Senate office in Plank basement before 5 p.m. on Sept. 7.
Elections for senior class senators and first-year senators and class officers will be open on CNAV from Sept. 10 through Sept. 12.
“We highly encourage all first-year students to run for a senator or class officer position,” said McComisky. “In order to be eligible, the student must submit the required petition with 50 signatures from members of their class. In addition, they must also attach a resume and cover letter with the petitions.”
McComisky, a political science major with minors in peace and justice studies, philosophy and writing, credits his open mind and tolerant personality to his involvement in the Senate, of which he has been a member since his first year at the College.
“Being a part of the Senate has allowed me to see the various perspective of students, faculty, and administrators,” said McComisky. “It has been an intricate aspect of my Gettysburg experience and has taught me skills that are invaluable and practical for my goals later in life.”