Senate Adopts Freedom of Expression Opinion
By Miranda Feeley, Staff Writer The penultimate fall semester meeting of the Gettysburg College Student Senate consisted mainly of two presentations pertaining to the college’s ongoing process of adopting a statement of institutional philosophy on freedom of expression. One presentation was by College President Janet Morgan Riggs, explaining the committee process, and the other was by Senator Michael Mancuso ‘19, who presented...
Senate Flies Through Three Budget Requests, Adjourns
By Miranda Feeley, Staff Writer The Senate sped through their meeting on Monday, November 6, making short work of the three budgets up for approval. Outerspace received $175.76 as a reimbursement for products bought for its Genderbender event, held the previous Friday. A representative assured the Senate that all purchases had been necessary and noted that many of the materials for the event had been donated by local vendors. College...
Senate Remands DCF Budget Request
By Miranda Feeley, Staff Writer The Student Senate meeting this week proceeded to budget requests quickly. Treasurer Sarah Berkowitz ’18 presented charts showing that the Senate had allotted 31% of the budget as of the previous meeting — compared to 53% at this time last year. She did note, however, that this did not mean the Senate could stop scrutinizing each budgetary request. The 26th PCG, whose budget was tabled last...
Senate Approves First Budget Requests of 2017-18 Year
By Miranda Feeley, Staff Writer Monday’s Student Senate meeting was called to order with President Luke Frigon reiterating that all senators must serve on a Senate Committee. It was also emphasized that any student on campus can serve on a committee as either a member or a chair. The Sustainability Committee still needs a chair. Several new Committee Chairs were announced. Sulemi Suarez and Candice Montenegro will co-chair the...
First Talk of the “My Neighbor is Muslim” Series Sparks Community Interest
By Miranda Feeley, Staff Writer The newly-formed Muslim Student Association’s series of talks by Rukhsana Rahman and Athar Rafik entitled “My Neighbor is Muslim” began September 20th in CUB 260 at 5:30 pm. Niamate Leeper, the faculty advisor for the Association, spoke first and asserted that the club has “A responsibility to open a much-needed dialogue about Islam in our community.” She introduced Kristin Largen, who thanked both...