Student Senate 3/3: Big Budget Spending

Students present at a Senate meeting in CUB 260, Oct. 28, 2024. (William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)
By John Towey, Staff Writer
Officer Reports
President Michael Woods ’25 opened the meeting with no new announcements and wished students a happy spring break.
Treasurer Jack Thompson ’27 shared that the Senate has $25,908.74 on hand.
Secretary Olivia Taylor ’25 reported that the Senate will be tabling in the Bullet Hole lobby Friday, March 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Guest Speaker
Director of Residential Education Danielle Phillips shared information about updates to housing selection. Next year, the first-year housing will be in Hanson, Patrick, Paul, Rice and Stevens Halls. Stevens Hall will have RISE programming for first-year students enrolled in the program.
The number of seniors who will be approved for off-campus housing has been reduced to 30. Senators were concerned about this, stating that the College does not have any alternatives with full kitchens or provide students with the experience of signing a contract with a landlord.
Additionally, the Muslim Student Association will be getting a theme house, and the lease on Humor House (223 Carlisle Street) will expire.
Committee Reports
The Rules and Administration Committee will have a meeting to address a constitutional loophole regarding how budgets work.
Student Concerns
President Woods reported that the dryers in Hazlett will be repaired.
New student concerns focused on overheating in residence halls and rats in the International House.
Budget Requests
GASA, along with many other organizations, requested $7,190 to pay for their annual cultural event. The theme is “Love in Colors” and the budget has already been worked down. The Senate voted to approve the budget in full.
Young Americans for Freedom requested $5,000 to pay for the honorarium of a guest speaker, Paula Scanlan. Senators raised concern about the price, especially considering the speaker’s low name-ID. There were also concerns that the content of her speech could make some feel unwelcome on campus. There were several motions related to their proposal. The first, to send the motion back to committee, failed. Several motions to approve lower amounts failed. Finally, the motion to reject passed.
New Business
A motion to approve an opinion from the Opinions Committee and GECO regarding concerns about the upcoming West Quad renovations and their environmental impact passed.