Student Senate 11/11: New Senate Rules?

Students present at a Senate meeting in CUB 260, Oct. 28, 2024. (William Oehler/The Gettysburgian)
By John Towey, Staff Writer
Officer Reports
President Michael Woods ’25 welcomed the senators to the meeting and made two announcements. First, student organizations are now allowed to coordinate with Athletics to host events in the swimming pool. Second, President Bob Iuliano will present at the Senate meeting on Dec. 2.
Treasurer Jack Thompson ’27 reported that the Senate is currently spending at a slower rate than last year. They have $50,591.01 in cash on hand.
Inclusion Officer Oliver Eckloff ’27 announced that the Inclusion Committee meeting plans to host a diversity, equity and inclusion event in the future.
Director of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen asked that Senate members read the recent email from President Iuliano about the College’s next steps following the racist incident in September. He encouraged students to participate in those conversations.
Committee Reports
The Outreach Committee announced that the Senate Open will be space-themed and will be held on Friday, Feb. 21 from 9 p.m. to midnight in the Attic.
The Wellness and Safety Committee is working towards developing a better working relationship with the Gettysburg Police Department. They have also been circulating a half-sheet titled “Know Your Rights” that informs students what they can and cannot do in a police interaction.
Club Reports
Young Americans for Freedom is hosting Daniel DiMartino, a self-described conservative speaker from Venezuela, for a discussion on immigration and economics. This event is scheduled for Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. in CUB 260.
The Political Science Department is launching its “Our Unfinished Work” initiative on Nov. 14 at noon in Mara Auditorium.
The Pre-Vet Club and Lambda Chi Alpha are hosting a blood drive this Thursday in the CUB Ballroom.
Student Concerns
President Woods addressed concerns from previous meetings. Students will now be allowed to substitute an extra egg for meat on breakfast sandwiches at Bullet Hole for no additional cost. Additionally, Bullet Hole is currently hiring more full-time staff, including two who started this past week.
New concerns included potentially adding a coffee station in the library full-time, flooding in the Stadium West parking lot and a lack of washing machines in the Ice House residential buildings.
New Business
A new amendment requiring members to be assigned to one committee was introduced. However, it could not be voted on until it was reviewed by the Board of Committee Chairs. The Senate still discussed the amendment in spite of that, and a motion to close the discussion failed.
After three failed motions to adjourn, a final motion to adjourn passed and the meeting ended.