Opinion: Free Expression is Being Supplanted by a Culture of Intimidation

Opinion: Free Expression is Being Supplanted by a Culture of Intimidation

By Andrew Breschard  Behind the outrage, vandalism, ad hominem attacks, and false accusations, there is a group of people so insecure in their views and identities that the mere thought of allowing those who disagree with them to exercise their freedom of expression is too much to handle. It is truly shameful that at a liberal arts institution like Gettysburg College, which claims to promote a free and open exchange of ideas, the...

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Gettysburg College Abandons Point System for Drug and Alcohol Violations in Favor of More Comprehensive “Community Standards”

Gettysburg College Abandons Point System for Drug and Alcohol Violations in Favor of More Comprehensive “Community Standards”

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief At the beginning of the semester, Residential Education (ResEd) emailed students about move-in and noted that the conduct policy, which formerly included a point-based system for alcohol and drug violations, has changed significantly since the spring 2022 semester. Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities Elizabeth Farner said there was a shift away from the code of conduct language to calling...

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Opinion: Stop Doug Mastriano. Vote for Josh Shapiro on Nov. 8.

Opinion: Stop Doug Mastriano. Vote for Josh Shapiro on Nov. 8.

By Vincent DiFonzo In a few short weeks, Americans will head to the polls and take part in the 2022 midterm elections. Pennsylvanians will be picking a new governor as incumbent Governor Wolf is term-limited and cannot seek reelection. After a close primary in May, Doug Mastriano won the Republican nomination for this coveted position. Josh Shapiro, incumbent Attorney General, ran uncontested and won the Democratic primary. Looking at...

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A Note from the Editor: On Change and Moving Forward

A Note from the Editor: On Change and Moving Forward

My journey with The Gettysburgian began as I logged into Zoom for my first weekly news staff meeting in Fall 2020. I remember emailing the editor-in-chief of The Gettysburgian asking to write, eager to find an extracurricular during a time when most clubs and activities did not meet due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Through my laptop screen each week, I discovered an increasing passion for writing and a new Gettysburg family. At the end...

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Opinion: Boycott YAF, Celebrate LGBTQ+ Rights

Opinion: Boycott YAF, Celebrate LGBTQ+ Rights

By Carter Hanson, President of College Democrats What they want is attention; for them, attention is the closest thing they can get to actual power. They pull stunts, write editorials, demand blank checks from Student Senate to fund their homophobia and transphobia, and bring hate-speakers to campus for the sole purpose of provoking outrage. They are empowered by outrage. They are empowered by angry YikYak posts, and administration...

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