First Annual Coming Out Day Celebration Debuts on Stine Lake

First Annual Coming Out Day Celebration Debuts on Stine Lake

By Alicia Method, Staff Writer While National Coming Out Day has been observed every Oct. 11 since 1988, Gettysburg College saw its first large-scale celebration of the event on Tuesday, Oct. 12 from 2-5 p.m. on Stine Lake.  National Coming Out Day was originally established by Robert Eichsberg and Jean O’Leary to remember the 1987 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights. Eichsberg was a psychologist from New Mexico, and...

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The Rebranding of Residential Education: Names, Faces, Responsibilities

The Rebranding of Residential Education: Names, Faces, Responsibilities

By Gracie Meisner, Assistant News Editor As Gettysburg College welcomed students back to campus, many noticed changes in the signature policies, offices, and organizations that make up the college. The Office of Residential Education (ResEd) is not exempt: the office bears a new name, houses new responsibilities and initiatives, and has welcomed two new staff members to its team.  Previously named the Office of Residential and First...

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Opinion: Gettysburg Has Failed Itself on China

Opinion: Gettysburg Has Failed Itself on China

By: Nick Arbaugh ‘20, Former President of the Student Senate Matt Salton ‘20, Former President of the Gettysburg College Democrats Nico DiGiulio ‘20, Former President of the Gettysburg College Republicans Kevin Wright ‘20, Former Member of the Gettysburg College Democrats Brendan Salyards ‘20, Former Vice President of the Gettysburg College Democrats  Wellington Baumann ‘20, Former Vice President of the Gettysburg College Republicans...

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Members of the Campus Community Reflect on the Visit from the Chinese Deputy Consul General

Members of the Campus Community Reflect on the Visit from the Chinese Deputy Consul General

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief On Thursday, Oct. 6, the Eisenhower Institute (EI) hosted a private, invite-only conversation between a small group of students and Chinese Deputy Consul General Jin Qian. Consul Jingzhi Feng and Vice Consul Xiaoxi Hao joined Qian for the discussion. During this event, attendee Mason Clark ’24 asked Qian something along the lines of “What is your understanding of Americans’ perspective on...

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YAF Hangs Posters with Packing Tape Following Increased Tensions Regarding Their Upcoming Speaker

YAF Hangs Posters with Packing Tape Following Increased Tensions Regarding Their Upcoming Speaker

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief On Friday morning, Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) hung multiple posters per wall in Glatfelter Hall advertising their Tuesday speaker Ryan T. Anderson.  Members of the organization used packing tape to hang the posters, which the administrative assistant for the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life Cynthia Tokar said she believes is not an appropriate material to hang flyers. Facilities did...

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