Postcard from Abroad: A Gaijin in Bunkyo, Tokyo

Postcard from Abroad: A Gaijin in Bunkyo, Tokyo

By Jules Blech TOKYO, JAPAN—I am a foreigner in Japan, a gaijin, this semester, who speaks no Japanese. When I go to a restaurant, I grab the menu, point to a random item, and say “kore onegaishimasu.” Then, I nod my way through the questions they have for me. I’ve accidentally ordered some really interesting coffees this way. My main concerns at these restaurants are embarrassing myself, wasting the workers’ time, and/or being...

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Postcard from Abroad: The Joys of Adventuring Alone and Understanding Once in a Lifetime Opportunities

Postcard from Abroad: The Joys of Adventuring Alone and Understanding Once in a Lifetime Opportunities

By Laken Franchetti LANCASTER, ENGLAND—Within the first week of arriving in the United Kingdom, I had experienced one prime minister leaving, the introduction of a new prime minister, Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, and the beginning of King Charles III’s reign. I would call that an eventful week. I have never been outside of the United States, and now I was being thrown into a new country at a time when its people and government were...

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Land Acknowledgement Dedication Recognizes Important Connections Between the College and Indigenous Culture

Land Acknowledgement Dedication Recognizes Important Connections Between the College and Indigenous Culture

By Sophie Lange, Staff Writer On Oct. 13 at 4 p.m., the Land Acknowledgement Dedication Ceremony took place on the South Lawn of Penn Hall. It was sponsored by the Land Acknowledgement Committee and the Center for Public Service with support from the Students for Indigenous Awareness; Gettysburg Environmental Concerns Organization; Peace and Justice; the Offices of the President, Diversity, the Provost, the Eisenhower Institute,...

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Opinion: In God They Trust

Opinion: In God They Trust

By Nathan Keely  I’d like to first acknowledge that as a man I have no idea of what it is like to be a woman, nor can I fully understand the societal plight that is put upon them. Though I am pro-choice, I would like to also acknowledge that those who are pro-life should be treated with respect and dignity. Shouting at those who disagree with you will not solve the problem and will only polarize this country even further. This issue...

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Opinion: Protecting the Most Vulnerable

Opinion: Protecting the Most Vulnerable

By John Riccardi, Chairman of Gettysburg College Young Americans for Freedom Abortion is the greatest moral issue facing America. No other issue is comparable in terms of lives lost. In 2019 alone, over 800,000 babies were aborted. The Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is responsible for the nation-wide scale of the abortion atrocity. The long-standing authority of the states to protect the lives of the unborn was torn from...

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