The Best of Summer Movies

The Best of Summer Movies

By Victoria Staub, Arts & Entertainment Editor Summer hosts the premier of many of the year’s blockbuster films. With school being out of session, theaters see an increase in moviegoers, therefore prompting them to release some of their most anticipated films during this time. Summer 2022 was no exception to this, giving us some of this year’s highlights. Here are a few of those features. “Nope” Jordan Peele has become a leading...

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YAF Hosts Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, Other Organizations Host Inclusion and Belonging Events

YAF Hosts Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, Other Organizations Host Inclusion and Belonging Events

By Katie Oglesby, Editor-in-Chief, Alli Dayton, Managing/News Editor, and Ella Prieto, Staff Writer On Tuesday in College Union Building (CUB) 260, Dr. Ryan T. Anderson spoke with Gettysburg College students on the subject: “Responding to the Transgender Moment.” The speaker was sponsored by the Gettysburg College chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). Director of the Office of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen said...

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College Announces Dr. Jamila Bookwala as New Provost

College Announces Dr. Jamila Bookwala as New Provost

By Alli Dayton, Managing/News Editor On Wednesday, Oct. 19, President Bob Iuliano sent out a campus-wide email with an announcement about the new Provost, Dr. Jamila Bookwala, who accepted the position following a national search to fill the role.  Iuliano began the email with a description about Bookwala’s future role at the college. She will begin her tenure in July 2023 as the Provost, a member of the President’s Council, and a...

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Student Senate 10/17: Senate Discusses Respect to be Shown During Meetings and Hosts Guest Speaker

Student Senate 10/17: Senate Discusses Respect to be Shown During Meetings and Hosts Guest Speaker

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer Monday’s Student Senate Meeting included a discussion on respect, a presentation by the Executive Director of the Eisenhower Institute Tracie Potts, and a proposal of an opinion.   Officer Reports President Miranda Zamora ’23 started off by welcoming everyone back from reading days. Zamora talked about respect, especially in light of the last few meetings. She emphasized that Senate needs to be...

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“Shakespeare in Love” and Gettysburg Will Be Too

“Shakespeare in Love” and Gettysburg Will Be Too

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer The beginning of the fall semester brings a flourish of activities, clubs, and groups, one of these being the Theatre Arts Program. This fall, the program will perform the adapted stage version of “Shakespeare in Love.” Auditions were held on Aug. 31 and Sept. 2 with over thirty people auditioning. The experience of those auditioning ranged from students who had previously participated in high school...

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