MLB Playoff Recap and World Series Preview

MLB Playoff Recap and World Series Preview

By Benjamin Simon, Staff Writer What a spectacle this year’s playoffs have been. The 100+ win Mets, Dodgers, and Braves? All out of the race, and it was never even close. This year has been, for lack of a better term, wholeheartedly chaotic.  Perhaps the first clue that something was amiss came when the San Diego Padres beat the powerful New York Mets in the newly created three-game Wild Card series. Or maybe it was when the incumbent...

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Student Spotlight: Stephanie Chaga and Her Critical Language Experience

Student Spotlight: Stephanie Chaga and Her Critical Language Experience

By Heather Wirick, Staff Writer Stephanie Chaga ‘23 has had a unique college experience. As a student from Widener University who transferred at the height of the pandemic, this fall is only her second semester on campus. Despite this, she has become heavily involved on and off of campus with impressive study abroad and language experiences. Chaga came to Gettysburg inspired by African humanitarian affairs, noticing that...

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Review: A History of Standup Comedy—Ritch Shydner Enlightens Audience with Comedic Factoids

Review: A History of Standup Comedy—Ritch Shydner Enlightens Audience with Comedic Factoids

By Brandon Banda, Contributing Writer On Monday, the Jewish Studies department sponsored a visit from alum Ritch Shydner to discuss the history of standup comedy in the Bowen Auditorium at McCreary Hall. Shydner filled nearly ninety minutes with interesting factoids about comedians such as Artemis Ward, W.C. Fields, Shelley Berman, and Bob Newhart, dating back 160 years to the Civil War and the ways in which these key players changed...

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Broadway Actor Antuan Raimone Speaks About His Survivor Journey

Broadway Actor Antuan Raimone Speaks About His Survivor Journey

By Vincent DiFonzo, Staff Writer On Monday, Antuan Magic Raimone, an actor with roles in critically acclaimed musicals such as “Hamilton” and “In the Heights,” visited Gettysburg College to give his lecture entitled “Soldier of Love: My Survivor Journey.” Raimone is an author, actor, speaker, advocate, performer, and survivor of sexual abuse. Along with roles in award-winning musicals, he has spoken at TEDx events, published an...

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Student Senate Oct. 24: Senate Hosts a Guest Speaker and Approves a Budget Request

Student Senate Oct. 24: Senate Hosts a Guest Speaker and Approves a Budget Request

By: Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer Monday’s Student Senate Meeting included an acknowledgment of the incident at SAE, a guest speaker, and a budget request.   Officer Reports President Miranda Zamora ’23 started off by opening the floor to any questions on comments students may have about the email sent out about the incident that occurred this past weekend at SAE.  One student inquired as to what really happened. Senate Advisor and...

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