Student Senate 12/5: Senate Completes Their Constitutional Overhaul

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer

Monday’s Student Senate Meeting included the completion of the constitutional overhaul, a budget update, and a discussion of the ideas and goals members have for next semester.

Officer Reports

President Miranda Zamora ’23 started off by thanking all the Senate members for a great semester. Zamora also said that she is excited to see the Constitutional overhaul mostly done.

Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 announced that there are a number of open Senate positions for next semester. Meadville also thanked everyone who is stepping down this semester and gave a special thanks to Thomas Cassara ’23 who has been an active member of Senate since his freshman year. 

Treasurer Hannah Repole ’25 gave the thirteenth budget update for the 2022-2023 year. She explained that there is $26,121.94 remaining in the budget so far, and $65,994.06 has been spent.

Repole announced that the numbers in the budget will drastically change over winter break as Senate will be absorbing the money allotted but not used by clubs. Repole also shared that she will most likely hold a BMC winter session.

Parliamentarian Joey Labrie ’25 shared a “Senate Wrapped” presentation that overviewed everything Senate achieved this semester. 

Committee Reports

CLAC announced they have finished up the bike program updates. The AirTags have been attached to the bikes and the contract was updated to include that students using the bikes will be tracked.

The Safety Committee shared that they had a great lighting walk with campus safety. They reported that there were 15 lamp bulbs that are being fixed. 

Club Reports and Announcements

One student announced that Hillel is having a Hanukkah event this Friday in Hillel House at 6:30 p.m.

Student Concerns and Announcements 

Zamora followed up on student concerns from last week. She reported that the administration knows about the students’ parking concerns including those specifically about commuter and Seminary parking. Zamora said there will be discussions about parking issues soon.

Zamora then moved on to the new concerns for the week.

One student shared the concern that Campus Safety has changed its policy regarding transportation to doctor’s appointments. Campus Safety will no longer take students to appointments that are more than half a mile away. Zamora said that she will make sure to bring this up with Campus Safety.

Another student brought up the concern that the College’s website is hard to navigate. Zamora responded that she will bring this up with Communications.

New Business 

Senate passed the remaining policy from the constitutional overhaul and rejected the integration clause since it was no longer needed. This will allow committee meetings to restart again. 

Zamora shared with Senate members that she hopes to shift back to external issues next semester rather than focusing on internal issues. Zamora opened the floor for members to share the goals and ideas they have for next semester.

Another member mentioned being more fiscally responsible, so Senate is making sure they do not spend too much money in one semester.

Another member brought up the idea of expanding the lights on Stine Lake. Zamora shared that the lights were not expanded when they were put up so the space could still be utilized for larger activities.   

One member recommended adding lights to Muss Beach similar to the lights on Stine Lake.

Another member said that there should be an improvement in communication between administration and students.

Another member said that Zamora could be more open with how communications with administration are going so Senate could come together if the administration is not responding properly.

Another member suggested working on getting a follow-up from the administration on the Opinions Senate is approving.

One member said that the meeting minutes should be available on the Senate website. Zamora responded that she wants to utilize the website more next semester.

Another member suggested trying to get administration more involved in the meetings.

Another member said Senate should put more focus on the powers they have and how to use them rather than focusing on the powers they lack.

The final idea of the meeting included Senate sponsoring social events, such as Pub Trivia. 

Senate will meet again on Jan. 16.

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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