Student Senate 11/28: Senate Tables Committee Policy, Resulting in Pause in Committee Meetings

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer

Monday’s Student Senate Meeting hosted the GSRC as a guest speaker and tabled policy for committees, which means no committee will be able to meet until after Monday, Dec. 5 at the earliest. It is unclear now what impact this will have on budget requests over the next week.

Officer Reports

Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 reminded Senate members to continue to attend committee meetings and for committee chairs to continue taking attendance.

Treasurer Hannah Repole ’25 gave the twelfth budget update for the 2022-2023 year. She explained that there is $31,121.94 remaining in the budget so far, and $60,994.06 has been spent.

Repole explained that the budget will be updating the budget over winter break so the numbers will look different when Senate returns after winter break.

Parliamentarian Joey Labrie ’25 announced that Senate is three weeks behind on the Constitutional overhaul. Labrie explained that Senate has two options, which are to either bypass the tabling period for policy, which requires unanimous consent, or to extend the integration clause.

Guest Announcement 

Senate hosted one guest speaker, which was a student representing the GSRC. Senate member Ella Prieto ’26 introduced the speaker by saying that she had decided to invite the GSRC to Senate for a WGS project due to her passion for Senate and for the rise in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and events. Prieto wants students on campus to know all the resources provided by the GSRC.

The GSRC student representative started off by sharing the GSRC’s location, which is the first floor of Apple. The GSRC is open from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. everyday. 

“Our goal is meant to provide a safe place for any student regardless of gender or sexual orientation,” the student representative said. 

The GSRC student representative shared some of the resources the GSRC provides. These resources include Hera’s Closet, which gives students access to free gender-affirming clothing, free menstrual products, free pregnancy tests, and free sexual health products. The GSRC also accepts donations to Hera’s Closet, including slightly worn clothes.

The student representative shared that the GSRC does program coordination on how to make the campus a more inclusive space. The GSRC also provides pamphlets on how to use pronouns and what the different PRIDE flags mean as well as having pronoun and PRIDE pins available to students. 

The GSRC also hosts weekly LGBTQ discussion groups that students can attend. The GSRC also works with QHouse to coordinate different programs.

The floor was opened up for questions. 

Senate member Carl DeMarco ’25 asked what the GSRC’s involvement in the “Tired of White Cis Men, Come Paint and Write About It” event was. The GSRC student representative responded that the GSRC had nothing to do with the organizing, planning, or sponsoring of it. The GSRC is available for students and groups to use as a space for events and meetings, which is what occurred with the event in question before it was canceled.

Senate Advisor and Director of Student Activities and Greek Life Jon Allen added that reservation of the GSRC is handled by administrators, so if students have questions pertaining to that, they should reach out to Director of the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center AJ Del Gaudio or Gender and Sexuality Resource Center Program Coordinator Sam Isherwood.

Another Senate member asked if the GSRC has any upcoming events. The student representative shared that they are planning to have some upcoming self-care events as finals week is approaching.

Senate member Maddie Maier ’26 asked when the LGBTQ discussion groups are held. The GSRC student representative said that the discussion groups are every Friday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The representative also shared that the GSRC is planning to start a new discussion group for Queer Students of Color, which will be on Sundays. They also shared that the GSRC posts information about their events on their Instagram.

Committee Reports

Diversity Committee announced that they moved their meeting time from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Fridays to hopefully better accommodate people’s schedules. 

The Opinions Committee announced they will be bringing their lighting opinion to the floor. They also announced that Amanda Blaugher will be attending their next meeting to discuss college policy.

Club Reports and Announcements

American Cancer Society announced that they will be hosting holiday themed letter writing to hospitals this Sunday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Junction. The holiday letter writing encompasses Hannakuh, Christmas, and any other holidays of the season.

Student Concerns and Announcements 

One student raised concern about mice running outside Paxton Hall. Zamora recommended reporting the concern to Facilities. 

Another student raised a concern about having issues finding parking since it was expanded to allow first-year students to park on campus. Another student added that it is especially difficult and unfair to commuter students and students who live in Seminary to not have reserved parking. Zamora said she will bring the issue up with Administration.

Another student said that it may be beneficial to make the classes on the Monday and Tuesday before future Thanksgiving breaks asynchronous or on Zoom so people can travel home without worrying about missing classes. Zamora said she will bring this up with Administration.

Budget Requests

ROTC requested $5000 to cover the Blue Mount Battalion Military Ball. This ball will be the 100th year anniversary of ROTC at Gettysburg College. The ball will bring alum, guests, speakers, cadets, and students. The requested amount would cover the food expense, which would then in turn also lower the ticket price for the ball. The current ticket price is $35 for students and cadets. Senate passed the budget in full.

New Business 

As Senate began to look at policy, Labrie reminded that members have two options, which are to either bypass the tabling period or move the integration clause back. The new deadline for integration would be Feb. 6.

Senate also tabled the bill to extend the integration clause to Feb. 6. Due to the tabling of this policy, all committees will be unable to meet after Nov. 30 until the meeting on Dec. 5 at the earliest.

The lighting opinion was brought to the floor which recommended that all areas on campus be lit at night. Senate passed the opinion.

Senate will meet again on Dec. 5.

Editor-in-Chief Katie Oglesby contributed to reporting.

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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