Student Senate 9/26: Senate Provides Budget Update and Presents Guest Speakers

By Kenzie Smith, Staff Writer

Student Senate's executive board for the fall 2022 semester (Photo Maggie Meehan/The Gettysburgian)

Student Senate’s executive board for the fall 2022 semester (Photo Maggie Meehan/The Gettysburgian)

Monday’s Student Senate Meeting included two guest announcements, a budget update, and the addressing of student concerns. 

Officer Reports

President Miranda Zamora ’23 started off by discussing the respect that should be shown during Senate meetings. Zamora emphasized that although she understands that members are under a lot of stress and tensions can be high, disrespect should not be shown in any manner. She was highly disappointed about the reactions shown during the budget request and policy presentation last meeting. If this disrespect continues a meeting with the executive board will occur. 

Vice President Geoffrey Meadville ’25 announced the mentorship groups that all new members have been sorted into. The assortment of the groups was done in a manner that was meant to be the most beneficial for the new members.

Meadville informed the members of Senate to come talk to the executive board if anyone is having problems. The executive board is trying to make themselves available as much as possible. 

Meadville also announced that they are looking for a time to discuss with committee chairs on how the week went and to provide any tips if needed. 

Budget Updates

Treasurer Hannah Repole ’25 gave the fourth budget update for the 2022-2023 year. She explained that there is $68,093.73 remaining in the budget so far, and $24,022.77 has been spent. 

There was one budget request from the Caribbean Club for reimbursement. Due to miscommunication, this was tabled for the following Senate meeting.

Officer Reports

Secretary Nick Silvis ’23 announced that if any groups want events advertised to send the information and flyers to him, and he will post it where desired.

Silvis reported that he has been in contact with OSAGL and all members of Senate will be receiving paper nameplates.

Parliamentarian Joey Labrie ’25 announced that as the Constitutional overhaul continues, they will be discussing Title V, which members should review. 

Labrie also stated that committee chairs should be taking minutes at their meetings, and they should reach out if they have any questions. 

Labrie also asked experienced committee chairs to stay after the meeting for a discussion on the committee reconstruction.

Guest Announcement 

Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities Elizabeth Farner presented a slideshow about the rewrite of the Community Standards, previously known as the Code of Conduct. Farner discussed why the policy was changed, the philosophy of the policy, the application period to individuals, reporting a violation, and amnesty.

Farner also shared that the reframing of policies was done to show them in terms of expectations instead of repercussions. She showed examples of some policies, the different violation levels, and talked about the responses that will occur based upon each level. Farner also announced that QR codes are available in every building that provide students with information about the violations.

At the end of her presentation, Farner opened the floor for questions. Farner answered some of the questions at the meeting, and others she will report back to President Miranda Zamora ’23.

The second guest speaker of the evening was Vice President of Information Technology Rod Tosten, who gave a presentation about Virtual J-Terms. Tosten reported the results of the 2022 J-Term sessions and announced that they will be continuing in January 2023. He discussed the goals and framework for the upcoming year. 

After his presentation, Tosten opened the floor for recommendation of sessions to have for the 2023 term. Tosten also announced that he is willing to meet with any individuals or organizations that want more information. 

Committee Reports

The Academic Committee followed up on the concern from a previous meeting about the limited library hours. They reported that hours are currently unable to be expanded, but there are a handful of academic buildings that have twenty-four hour access for students. 

The Academic Committee also discussed a Senate Alumni Panel.

The BMC Committee announced that many clubs attended their meeting, and overall, they had a good turnout.

The Diversity Committee is working on filing a calendar of observances, and they invite all who would like to submit observances to contact the committee chair or attend the meetings. 

The Inclusion Committee focused on the recent race-based harassment during their past meeting.

The Opinions Committee announced that they had one opinion they would be bringing to the floor.

The Policy Committee looked at the policy that was sent back to committee from the last meeting and is continuing their research on said policy.

The Safety Committee announced that at their meeting, they discussed what was brought up at the last Senate meeting, and they are working to resolve said issues. 

The Wellness Committee requested that more people attend their meetings as they have a lot planned but not enough attendees to accomplish these tasks. 

Club Reports and Announcements

It was announced that there will be a Voter Registration Drive on Stine Lake from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 4.

E-Sports Club announced that their meetings will be held in Plank 105 on Fridays at 7 p.m.

SAE and ACS are still looking for people to shave their heads for the Shave-a-Thon.

Oktoberfest will be held on Oct. 1 from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. 

Student Concerns and Announcements 

President Miranda Zamora ’23 followed up on student concerns from last week. Zamora announced that Campus Safety is working on a texting option for dispatch and adding staff, especially during the evenings.

Zamora moved on to the new concerns for the week. 

One student raised concern that there is no centralized area on campus to report police misconduct. Zamora took note of this and will bring it forward at President’s Council.

Another student requested returning orange and cranberry juice back to Bullet, while someone else raised concern about eggshells in the eggs served at Servo. Zamora said she will continue to bring dining related concerns forward, but she also recommended those who have dealt with these issues to take a picture and email Dining Services so they know what to work on.

A Senate member announced that a formal investigation of Chaplain Bright will occur based on bias allegations. 

One student brought forward the concern that many of the communal showers in first-year resident halls have no doors and the spacing between bathroom stall doors is too large. Zamora replied that Facilities will be examining the resident halls to see what needs improvements, but this will be a time consuming process and results will not be instantaneous. 

Another student raised concern that GPD is pulling students over without cause. Zamora said she will make sure to bring this up at the President’s Council. 

Another student raised concern that Bullet does not always give containers to carry food home. Zamora took note of this concern.

One student said that the sushi should come with a side. Zamora reported that she is working on getting a meeting with the head of Dining and will make sure to bring this up. 

Another student raised concern that the dryers do not dry clothes completely. Zamora suggested for the student to put in a request with Facilities.

Another student raised concern about another bike from the Bikeshare Program being broken. A Senate member said they will be addressing this at their committee meeting. 

Another student suggested that there should be rules about bike courtesy for people using bikes on campus. 

The final concern of the night was raised by a student in regard to the removal of the Parking Appeals Board. Zamora said she will bring up the concern about the removal to the President’s Council. 

New Business 

Senate passed the policy tabled from last week. They also viewed new policy and amended it on the floor to then be tabled for another week.

One opinion was presented on the floor for a MLK-GIV Day Gettysburg. The opinion stated that classes should be canceled on Martin Luther King Junior Day, but ample community service projects for students be made available instead. It was announced that administration is working on something similar, but this opinion should still be published. Senate passed the opinion, and it will be sent to administration.

Student Senate will meet again Oct. 3.

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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