Faculty Favorites: Professor Birkner’s Favorite Movies

By Leah Warshavsky, Contributing Writer

Professor Michael Birkner (Photo courtesy of Gettysburg College)

Professor Michael Birkner (Photo courtesy of Gettysburg College)

With the amount of assignments they give, it can be hard to remember that professors are people too. Because they are human, they of course have their own favorite movies. 

This week’s favorites are brought to us by Professor Michael Birkner. Birkner is an Alumni of Gettysburg College and has taught as a history professor since 1989. Below are his five favorite movies and why they are his favorite. 

  1. “The Godfather” 

“The characters, the plot, the local color- the spaghetti, meatballs, and cannolis.”

  1. “Shawshank Redemption” 

“Who doesn’t like a story where the bad guys get their just desserts! The acting is sublime.”

  1. “Casablanca”

“How many 80-year-old films still seem fresh? Bogart, Bergman, Claude Rains, and so
much more.”

  1. “Easy Rider”

“Not really a great film but a compelling story of a culturally divided America. The soundtrack of 60s hits is a highlight.”

  1. “Dr. Strangelove”

“Peter Sellers is spectacular effective playing multiple roles in this supremely chilling yet hilarious film. ‘Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!’ is one of the great lines in movie history.”

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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