By Sarah Laud, Staff Writer
On March 14, Student Senate was called to order by President Sydney Quan ’22 and roll was taken.
Officer reports began with Vice President Miranda Zamora ’23 who announced that election season is starting with President and Vice President applications going out this Friday, March 18. Miranda reminded the floor of the qualifications for being president include being a junior or senior and for either roles having at least one semester of Senate experience.
Treasurer Connor Heath ’23 updated the floor with the Senate budget. Since the last meeting on Feb. 28 before spring break, Senate budget has undergone a $100 difference. Money allotted is in the amount of $91,511 with $52,984.09 spent, $38,527.91 remaining, and a rollover amount of $41,994.53.
This week’s guest speaker was Psychology Professor Richard Russell who gave information on and emphasized the importance of Gettysburg College’s Climate Study Survey. The first Climate Study occurred six years ago with the hiring of Jeanne Arnolds, the first Chief Diversity Officer at the college. The study is not used as a marketing tool, but rather a way to improve campus and allow a space for the students to give their voice on the campus environment. Students, including those who are less-represented, are able to share their thoughts about administration and make differences public to the campus community. Russell made it clear that the survey is anonymous and the Gettysburg College administration cannot see the individual responses of students. The survey is conducted through Rankin & Associates, an external consultant that generates a report for the College after the completion of the survey.
Russell explained that reports from past Campus Climate Surveys have sparred results on campus. For example, after the last Climate Study in 2016, the college dedicated buildings for the Office of Multicultural Engagement (OME) and the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life so they can have their own space. The Climate Study Survey closes on March 25 at 12am. For more information visit,
Committee reports followed. The Outreach Committee followed up last meeting’s announcement of the Student Senate Open event. Planning is underway and all students interested in participating in the organization of the event are invited to Outreach meetings.
Treasurer Connor Heath ’23 led a discussion on the floor following up with last meeting’s budget request to cover the costs for Quiz Bowl’s tournament. After reaching out to the Provost’s Office, Quiz Bowl had little movement towards their goal. The Senate was passed the budget in full on the floor.
Club reports and announcements began with Hillel’s announcement about their co-sponsored event with the Office of Student Affairs and Greek Life (OSAGL). They will be hosting Purim festival at the Attic on Friday, March 18 from 6–9 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to come in costume.
Gettysburg TV will be having an interest meeting this Friday in Plank.
The 6th annual Peace and Justice Week is being held from March 21–26. Their opening event takes place on Monday March 21 at the Peace Pole at 4 p.m. Throughout the week there will be various speakers and different events everyday. An email with the full schedule will be sent out to the student body.
LASA is hosting Vida Noche on March 18 from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the OME basement where a discussion will be held about Women’s History Month.
Student Concerns included a clarification from Quan that the Senate is not permitted to ban Yik Yak on campus.
Old business was led by Parliamentarian Alexis Jones ’24 regarding the amending of changes to Senate policy and constitution brought up at the last meeting. Clarification regarding what is and is not permitted as a candidate for Senate included the emphasis on the approval and denial process for any campaign documents or advertisements through the Vice President of Senate and EAC. The motion to approve the amendment was passed in full.
Parliamentarian Alexis Jones ’24 continued with the incorporation of language in the Constitution that serves as the foundation for Student Senate. Jones expressed that the goal of the new amendments is to ensure that there is as clear language as possible. Added language also emphasized that all general Student Senate meetings are open to Gettysburg College Public.
An announcement was made that Student Senate is creating a once a month attendance invitation to the Dean of Students Anne Ehrlich or Associate VP for College Life Jeff Foster to fill her place when needed. President Bob Iuliano will also have a chance to engage with Student Senate during general meetings. Incorporating administrative presence in general meetings ensures that the administration is present in Senate doings.
A debate began on the floor regarding how the Vice President position would be elected: either popularly or not. It was established that the discussion would have to be brought back to policy. The floor made the decision to table the amendment until the next meeting.
No new business was included in this week’s meeting. Senate was adjourned.