Blast from the Past—April 20, 2021 Edition

(Photo Mary Frasier/The Gettysburgian)

(Photo Mary Frasier/The Gettysburgian)

By Shannon Zeltmann, Staff Writer

This week in 1926, some members of the college wanted new shrubbery on campus to make it look more beautiful. The president’s office received word that an expert landscape gardener would be willing to draw up some landscape architecture plans for the college. If the college liked the plans, they would go with this plan and purchase the necessary plants and shrubbery. To make it so the trees and bushes would not be the same age, the college decided to plant new trees and shrubs every twenty-five years. They would still purchase new flowers each year to keep campus looking beautiful.

This week in 1946, the college library was given new books by several alumni and members of the college community. Rev. Charles W. Baker, class of 1883, gave an entire series of books called Nations of the World to the library. He has continued to help on campus, being one of the founders of the college’s Y.M.C.A. and Alpha Tau Omega. Charles T. Lark, a trustee of the college, gave a series of books of the entire works of Mark Twain. Another graduate, of the class of 1923, gave fifty economic books to the college.

This week in 1971, Gettysburg Peace Action Coalition created a series of events to help the nation-wide action against the Vietnam War. The Gettysburg Peace Action Coalition was part of a larger national coalition, with headquarters in Washington, D.C. The Coalition on campus held a week-long series of programs. Students had an information desk with posters in CUB, which acted as a way for all students on campus to learn about any information pertaining to that week. They had a teach-in about Indochina, some talks given by professors, group discussions about the war, a picketing of the draft board in Gettysburg, a campus-wide clean-up on Earth Day, which was the same week, and a chapel service for the “Celebration of Peace.” Finally, any students could go to D.C. for a mass demonstration on Saturday.


These articles and more from the Gettysburgian (1897-2010 issues) can be found on the Gettysburgian digital archives, provided by the Special Collections & College Archives:

Author: Gettysburgian Staff

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