In a surprising turn of events, most links to Gettysburg College’s website from Google searches lead to a charming error page. (Cartoon by Josh Wagner)
Author: Joshua Wagner
Josh Wagner '19 is a chemistry and mathematics double major who enjoys bike rides on the battlefield and waving around a red pen as the Gettysburgian's Managing Opinions Editor. When not editing for the Gettysburgian, he can usually be found working in the College Life Office, helping students with calculus as a PLA, or studying in the library.
The opinions published in this section are those of the individual writers and are in no way representative of the views of The Gettysburgian staff, The Gettysburgian or Gettysburg College. The Gettysburgian is committed to being a marketplace of ideas for the campus community. We invite anyone who wants to write an opinion to send it to our Opinions Editor, David Poulos.