False Start on Campus Mobile. Check Back Tomorrow.
By Gauri Mangala, News Editor
On Sunday, July 29, first-year students of Gettysburg College were excited to find their housing assignments up and active on the new student dining portal. So excited, in fact, that 77 first-year students posted their room assignments on the Gettysburg College Class of 2022 Facebook page, with a handful more of them posting questions on how to find their assignments.
However, it was made clear soon enough that the assignments were not supposed to have been visible yet.
Sarah Tokar ‘19, admin of the Facebook page and a student worker in the Office of Residential and First-Year Programming (RFYP) posted on the page on Monday that housing assignments were not meant to have been visible until Wednesday, August 1. She went on,“We were not aware that this was the case and apologize that you were able to stumble across this information. We are working with our colleagues in Dining Services to get the information temporarily removed from the website until all assignments are ready.”
In a statement to The Gettysburgian, Danielle Phillips, Director of Residential & First-Year Programs, explained, “Assignments are unlikely to change from the assignments that were temporarily visible to students through the dining site. If there are any changes, it would likely be due to a change in a student’s First-Year Seminar course or an approved medical accommodation.”
First-year students will be able to view their finalized housing assignments, along with their roommates, by accessing My Housing on CNAV with their Gettysburg login starting tomorrow, Wednesday, August 1.