Support Staff Spotlight: Carol Simpson

Carol Simpson is the longest serving member of the Academic Advising staff (Photo Josh Wagner/The Gettysburgian)
By Josh Wagner, Opinions Editor
In this week’s support staff spotlight, we introduce you to Carol Simpson, Administrative Services Assistant in Academic Advising. Simpson started working in Academic Advising 28 years ago. As the longest serving member of Academic Advising’s staff, she noted that much has changed since she started there.
To start, the department used to be housed in Pennsylvania Hall, but moved to the College Union Building a few years after she started. Simpson said, “I’ve seen offices move across campus. What used to be in reach isn’t so close to you right now.”
While physical spaces have certainly changed on campus, according to Simpson, how we communicate is what has changed most drastically.
“We used to visit each other to handle things,” she said, explaining, “that was the biggest and hardest change to get used to. I like the personal contact.” Now, staff members rely on emails to communicate and that personal contact is diminished.
When Simpson started at Gettysburg, she enjoyed helping Academic Advising organize first-year orientation, but that task has since been assigned to the Office of Residential and First-Year Programs. Now, Simpson said that her favorite part of working at Academic Advising is when she can work with students.
“I would say that working with the Honor Commission students is one of the highlights of my job, and the work-study students in the office are awesome,” Simpson said.
Simpson makes efforts to keep up with students after they leave Gettysburg, and enjoys seeing how their personal and professional lives unfold. She thinks fondly of the students here.
“It amazes me how motivated and exceptional Gettysburg students are, seeing where they go abroad and the projects they work on here and abroad,” she said.
Simpson loves working at Gettysburg College.
“Gettysburg is definitely a great place to work, and I have been stretched beyond my horizons while working here,” she said.
Not only does Simpson think fondly of Gettysburg, Gettysburg thinks fondly of her.
Jennifer Cole, Associate Dean of Academic Advising, said that Simpson is an invaluable member of the Acadamic Advising staff.
“Carol is the best assistant I have ever had in that she makes my job infinitely easier. She is reliable and attentive as well as kind and funny,” Cole said. “She’s a great baker and we’re so thankful that she shares that talent with us. I am so fortunate to have such an amazing, joyful, and thoughtful friend and colleague.”
Noelle Billand, also an Administrative Services Assistant in Academic Advising, said that working with Simpson everyday is an absolute treat.
“She is always ready to lend a hand or share a laugh,” Billand said. “Carol is truly one of the kindest people I have ever met, and I am blessed to work with her. I can’t imagine the office running without her!”
Bailey Heath ’19 praised Simpson’s work with the Honor Commission.
“The work that Carol does with the Honor Commission is absolutely essential for the functioning of the organization, yet most of it goes on behind the scenes so she does not get the recognition that she deserves for it,” Heath said. “She is diligent, patient, and reliable, and I always know that I can count on her for a smile and a warm welcome when I walk into Academic Advising.”
“Carol has been the first face of Academic Advising to generations of Gburg students. She welcomes people with unfailing warmth and cheerful grace,” said Anne Lane, Associate Dean of Academic Advising. “Her conscientiousness and dependability have made her a valued colleague upon whom we’ve all grown to depend.”
Anthony Wagner ’17 said he loves Simpson’s spirit.
“Not only is Carol a joy to be around as a decent, kind, and witty character; she also has sought and found joy in the many moments of her career at the College,” Wagner said. “Her helpful and loving spirit has helped comfort and assist thousands of students during their most challenging experiences as Gettysburgians.”