Campus health club calls for chemical free diet

Water like this will soon be the only food available at Gettysburg College if the new campus “Health Club” gets their way. File photo.
By Aphra Murray, Staff Writer
In recent years, the United States has seen a growing need for healthier diets – with rates of obesity and heart conditions sky-rocketing. Gettysburg College’s very own Health Club has heard that call and is ready to take action. They have begun a grassroots campaign to increase awareness about chemical free diets, with the slogan Chemical Free by 2023.
Backed by their extensive knowledge of science-related trivia and a Bio 101 class taught here at Gettysburg College, the club has vowed to get rid of GMO’s, pesticide grown food and the most dangerous of all, chemicals. The club’s president graciously provided some statements on behalf of the club. In it she stated that the club fears for the dangerous direction that the United States as a whole and this campus specifically is headed in.
When asked whether there were any examples on this campus, the president pointed to what is known as “Chicken Finger Friday.” This, she claimed, is a prime example of false advertising and pumped with dangerous chemicals. Should the Bullet Hole like to serve Chicken Fingers, then that’s what they should be, Chicken Fingers.
According to their Facebook page, the club aims to reduce the number of chemicals consumed on this campus by 100 percent. Realistically they said, given the way that food is industrially processed, the campus may have to resort to a water only diet. “This might be the wake up call the campus and this country needs!” cried the President of the club at the end of our interview.
The campus is excited to see how the chemical free diet fares at Gettysburg College and hopes to see how their H2O diet, the chemical formula for water, succeeds.
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