Dean Ramsey offers advice to first-year students

Vice President for College Life and Dean of Students Julie Ramsey offers students advice on how to have a successful first year of college. Photo Credit: Gettysburg College
By Julie Ramsey, Vice President for College Life & Dean of Students
Dear Members of the Class of 2018,
Welcome to Gettysburg College! As you embark on this new chapter of your life, here are a few suggestions for success during your first year at Gettysburg College:
•Stay focused on your classes. There is no doubt that your course load and academic expectations will be more challenging and strenuous than they were in high school. Need help learning new study strategies or getting organized? Contact Academic Advising. Don’t know how to start the research process for your first paper? Ask a Reference Librarian. Still confused about yesterday’s lecture? Schedule a meeting with your professor to clarify concepts. The resources are here. All you need to do is ask.
•Take care of yourself. Between class, writing papers and studying, attending club meetings and hanging out with friends, you may find it exhausting! Get enough sleep, eat well and exercise often. If you need help, contact the Health Center, Counseling Services, or Department of Public Safety.
•Join a student club. Follow up on the contacts made at the Activities Fair last week. Take some time every week to learn more about the 120+ student-led clubs and organizations on campus. If you don’t see what you are looking for, start your own club or initiative!
•Take advantage of the unique opportunities Gettysburg College has to offer! Whether you participate in the Garthwait Leadership Center’s annual Emerging Leaders Re- treat, attend a lecture at the Eisenhower Institute, or go on an Immersion Project with the Center for Public Services, challenge yourself to move beyond the familiar and com- fortable and experience all that the College has to offer.
•Do great work. Think about what you envision your college experience to be, and make it happen!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to stop by and visit me or any of my staff members in the College Life Office (CUB 220) between 8:30am and 5:00pm on weekdays. Our number one priority is YOU and ensuring that you have an enriching and positive experience during the next four years.
Your choices will shape your undergraduate career. What will be your Gettysburg Experience?
My very best wishes for a successful year,
Dean Julie Ramsey
Vice President for College Life and Dean of Students