Facebook and other social media forms could cost you your job

Nowadays, employers are almost certain to check potential employees’ social media history. Photo Credit: college.monster.com.
By Andrew Monthey, Staff Writer
Job-searchers beware; your privacy may not be as private as you may think. According to new studies, employers are starting to evaluate potential candidates based on their Facebook pages and others, depending on the job. While it is already a good idea to keep your Facebook page clean of incriminating photos or posts, this might give further encouragement.
College career counselors are starting to also make points on this issue. Facebook is an “honest” resume, so to speak, of a potential candidate for a position at a company or organization. Employers can see the “real you,” at least they believe they can, by viewing Facebook.
I personally came across this issue as well. On a flight from New York to Frankfurt I was sitting next to an older gentleman who had a knack for making life-changing suggestions to strangers. He had mentioned that were he to be a hiring manager, he would take special note of candidates who claimed they did not have a Facebook. He noted that by doing this they were being honest and open about putting away social media and to commit to the job search.
But while this may be the case for some employers, other employers are using Facebook to reach out to potential employees. One need only go on Facebook and other sites and see how employers are building their image and seeking employees on these social media. In a way, Facebook could serve as an equivalent to LinkedIn, where networks of people can form and information can be spread far more quickly.
Whether or not you decide to keep your social media in the job search is up to you. But it might be a good idea to take down those pictures of the college happenings you would not want your parents to see. They could cost you.