The Campus Community Receives News of College Employee’s Passing

The Campus Community Receives News of College Employee’s Passing

By Laken Franchetti, Editor-in-Chief This afternoon, President Bob Iuliano sent an email to the campus community detailing the untimely passing of Assistant Director of International Student Services Sara Gifford. The College became aware of the news earlier this morning. “She died as a result of an automobile accident on Friday, December 22,” Iuliano wrote. “The news has come as a shock to our entire community, including her fellow...

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A Note from the Editor: On This Labor of Love

A Note from the Editor: On This Labor of Love

Dear Reader, Thank you for grabbing a copy of The Gettysburgian. I am the Magazine Editor— the one who orders, edits, and designs the contents of this very magazine. Once every month, the editorial board and our wonderful writers get together to produce this. It is a labor of love from dozens of volunteers. Then, it is my job to elevate the design and style to make something that you, dear reader, want to spend your time with. My path...

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The Crossword Answers, December 2023 Issue

The Crossword Answers, December 2023 Issue

This crossword originally appeared on page 23 of the December 2023 edition of The Gettysburgian’s...

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Postcard from Abroad: Lessons from Budapest

Postcard from Abroad: Lessons from Budapest

By Kailey Costa, Contributing Writer  I jumped from my seat working 9 to 5 at the Food Bank for New York City, worked another final shift at the pub back home, packed a bag and two days later, I was in Budapest. In Budapest, the architecture takes you aback. You are certainly not anywhere near the small New England town you grew up in, or New York City, a city you adapted to live in.  Tones of yellows, red roofs and iron gate smoking...

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Editorial: On Crafting the Academic Environment

Editorial: On Crafting the Academic Environment

By The Gettysburgian Editorial Board Colleges and universities are institutions that are meant to guide humanity into the future. Ideas—new and old—are exchanged, discussed, studied and analyzed in the pursuit of knowledge. The nature of academia is inherently divisive because of its role as a place for contradicting views and ideas to be challenged. This divisiveness is by design—existing knowledge, opinions and theories are meant to...

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