Blast From the Past—February 16, 2021 Edition

Blast From the Past—February 16, 2021 Edition

By Shannon Zeltmann, Staff Writer This week in 1966, the College Machine Room was open to all students and faculty on Mondays that semester and had a total of twelve hours a week it would be open. The Machine Room housed the college’s collection of calculating and adding machines. Various departments on campus made it possible to create such a room, including the Economic and Business Administration Department, the Mathematics...

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Women’s Lacrosse Coach Carol Cantele Named To the IWLCA Hall of Fame

Women’s Lacrosse Coach Carol Cantele Named To the IWLCA Hall of Fame

By David Goldman, Staff Writer Head coach of the women’s lacrosse team at Gettysburg Carol Cantele has received the greatest honor a coach can obtain. After twenty-eight years of heading one of the most successful lacrosse programs in the nation, Cantele has been selected to the Intercollegiate Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Association (IWLCA) Hall of Fame. With a career record of 422-110 and 12 Centennial Conference championships in the...

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Amid Pandemic, First-Year Class Size Drops Lowest in Recent Memory

Amid Pandemic, First-Year Class Size Drops Lowest in Recent Memory

  By Anna Cincotta, Editor-in-Chief In 2018, 748 students matriculated at Gettysburg with their sights on being members of the class of 2022. This past fall, just two years later, that number dropped by more than 14 percent. There are 640 students in the current first-year cohort. “At our highpoint, in 2013, we had slightly more than 2,700 students enrolled,” Iuliano said in an address to the campus community on Oct. 29. “This...

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Survivors Protest Draws Attention to Campus Sexual Assault Problem

Survivors Protest Draws Attention to Campus Sexual Assault Problem

By Katie Oglesby, News Editor Survivors of Gettysburg, an organization dedicated to the issue of sexual assault on campus, held a protest the second week of classes where students would order posters from them and hang them in their windows. These posters made statements such as, “Gettysburg College Has a Rape Problem” or “Gettysburg College Has a Stalking Problem.” “Our goal with this protest was to draw attention to the issue of...

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Weekly Roundup: Feb. 14 – Feb. 20

Weekly Roundup: Feb. 14 – Feb. 20

Compiled by Jane Fitzpatrick, Assistant News Editor Sunday, Feb. 14 Chocolate Tasting Held in-person at the Junction from 2:00 to 3:00 PM Stop by and grab six chocolate samples for Valentine’s Day Tuesday, Feb. 16 Fat Tuesday Make and Take Held in-person at Mosaic House from 12:00 to 1:00 PM Register online and pick up supplies from the Office of Multicultural Engagement to make your own Mardi Gras mask  X-Sig Seminar by Paul Turner:...

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